Your Right to kNOw: Episode Seven
Executive Summary Access Full White Paper
Will we get the data necessary to be able to make informed choices about COVID vaccination? Action Alert! A number of weeks ago, our friends at ANH International released a white paper detailing how autoimmune patients are at an increased risk of serious adverse events from COVID vaccination. As such, autoimmune patients have a legitimate […]
New research shows that many cosmetics contain dangerous chemicals with known human health risks. Action Alert! Cosmetics is a $20 billion industry, but companies aren’t transparent about the fact that a high percentage of these products are made with PFAS, or “forever” chemicals that cause a host of human health and environmental problems. But you […]
We’ve been detailing the scientific evidence showing the increased risk of serious adverse events for autoimmune patients receiving the COVID vaccine. Emerging data is now showing that patients with compromised immune systems, such as those on immunosuppressive medications and organ transplant recipients, do not generate as strong an immune response to the COVID vaccines as […]
…against the advice of its own expert panel, ensuring another windfall for Big Pharma at the expense of patients and taxpayers. The FDA has approved the first new Alzheimer’s drug in years—a drug which will reportedly cost more than $56,000 per year. The FDA’s treatment of this drug—which is incredibly expensive and comes with real […]
Take Action Executive Summary Access Full White Paper
How the current climate makes discussions about hard, controversial issues almost impossible. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said, “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” This dynamic is very much on our minds as we continue our campaign to ensure that […]
…by emitting harmful pollutants in the air while the EPA does nothing. Action Alert! A new study has linked air pollution emanating from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to more than 17,000 deaths in the United States. Despite this death toll, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given CAFOs a pass on adherence to federal […]