Readers’ Corner

Readers’ Corner

Welcome to the ANH-USA Readers’ Corner.  Everyday we receive intelligent, well considered questions and comments from our readers. We created this space so we can share our responses to some of them.
different coloured people

Readers’ Corner, August 9, 2011
Can My Doctor Get Into Big Legal Trouble by Offering Natural Health Treatments? (Part 1)
: Questions From a Reader
A reader asks an important question about the laws threatening integrative doctors. We lay it all out.

Readers’ Corner, April 12, 2011
Reader Love and State GE Bills: Questions and Comments From Readers

Two readers share their positivity and optimism, and another reader asks how to take action on GE in your own state.

Readers’ Corner, March 8 2011
Mom Whose Autistic Children Got Better Follow-Up
: A Reader Shares Her Story

Last week we told you about Meleah Corner, who won a major court case in NC allowing her children to continue to be treated with HBOT. This week we had the opportunity to interview her and hear her story in greater detail. You won’t believe what she had to go through.

Readers’ Corner, January 11, 2011
ASN’s Power Grab, Iodine for Herpes Treatment, and the Best Source of Vitamin D: Comments From Readers

This week, our readers comment on our stories about nutrition science integrity, herpes, and the IOM’s vitamin D report.

Readers’ Corner, October 26, 2010
Natural Weight Loss and Chelation Therapy: Comments From Readers

Our article on natural solutions for losing weight led to an important question about salmon, and a reader gives us a chance to clear up a point about our piece on chelation therapy.

Readers’ Corner, September 28, 2010
More on Flu Vaccine Deaths, Trimesta, and Increasing Your Activism’s Impact: Comments From Readers

Some of our knowledgeable readers contribute more information to our reporting, the National MS Society responds to our article, and a reader provides a helpful activism tip.

Readers’ Corner, September 7, 2010
Flu Vaccine Deaths and Unethical Science: Questions From Readers

If you agree that deliberate and gross overstating of flu deaths by the government is bad, how about hiding flu vaccine deaths? And how much margarine was actually foisted on the poor heart patients in the NIH-funded study? You won’t believe the answer.

Readers’ Corner, August 10, 2010
BPA in Cash Register Receipts: Questions From Readers

We don’t eat our receipts, so is BPA on receipts really that bad? ANH-USA responds to reader questions.

Readers’ Corner, August 3, 2010
AMA Coding Monopoly: Questions From Readers

We address questions about the AMA’s monopoly in billing codes, discuss doctors being threatened with jail—and correct an embarrassing typo!

Readers’ Corner, July 16, 2010
Unfounded, Sensationalist Claims? ANH-USA Responds: Questions From Readers

ANH-USA always does our homework and does not make unfounded or sensationalist claims.

Readers’ Corner, July 2, 2010
ANH-USA’s Connections and Position on World Government: Questions From Readers

ANH-USA is an independent organization opposed to the creation of a single world government.

Pulse of Natural Health, May 25th, 2010
Further Update on our Story:
Nanotechnology: New Threat to Organic Foods

Our article on nanotechnology and organic foods drew a number of comments from our readers.

Pulse of Natural Health, April 27th, 2010
Further Update on our Story – Supplements Gain Exemption From Codex Language in Food Safety Bill

We provide additional information on Codex Alimentarius and sources for accurate information.

Pulse of Natural Health, April 27th, 2010
Further Update on our Story – Supplements Gain Exemption From Codex Language in Food Safety Bill

One of our readers wants to know why we took the time to answer a critic.

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