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Strike While the Iron is Hot!

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The FDA attack on bio-identical hormones therapy, seemingly in conjuncture with Wyeth Pharmaceutical, has mobilized the health freedom community.
In 2005, when Wyeth filed a “Citizens’ Petition” demanding that the FDA ban bio-identical hormones which happen to compete with Wyeth’s synthetic hormones, thousands of men, women, and health care practitioners fought back, writing to the FDA in support of bio-identical hormones.  In 2007, Senators wrote draft legislation that would severely restrict and possibly deny access to critical compounding medications.  Many groups worked together to share information and resources and eventually the momentum of the bill was halted and one Senator pulled his intent to support.
Earlier this year, the FDA sent letters warning seven compounding pharmacies that they made false claims about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.  They then essentially banned estriol – a crucial ingredient in most bio-identical hormones.  They stated that estriol is not approved and unless they have a valid investigational new drug application, pharmacy operators may not compound drugs containing estriol
On May 19, 2008, members of Congress received a letter from 14 “medical and women’s groups” supporting the FDA’s ban on estriol.  Several sources have indicated that this letter was coordinated by Wyeth.
Today, organizations are working together (with members of Congress) to support House Congressional Resolution 342 which calls for an end to the FDA’s ban on bio-identical estriol, a vital ingredient in compounded bio-identical hormone treatments for women.
AAHF has coordinated various organizations in a letter writing campaign to Congress.  These organizations (medical societies as well as consumer groups) have written letters of support for H. Con. Res. 342 which AAHF is hand-delivering on Tuesday, June 3.  Why June 3rd?  That is when hundreds of compounding pharmacists will in on Capitol Hill lobbying for compounding medicine and especially H. Con. Res. 342.
We are following this blitz with a full-page, color ad in Tuesday’s edition of Roll Call (the top Congressional newspaper) – this ad is titled “SHAME ON YOU, WYETH” and brings attention to the financial ties of the women groups to Wyeth and encourages members of Congress to support H. Con. Res. 342.
NOW is the time to act.  Let’s hit them from all sides – in the media, in the halls of Congress, and back home with the voters.  If you have not contacted your representatives yet, there is no better time.  Make your voice even stronger by encouraging your friends and family to write as well and post this article in blogs and forum!
Remember; strike while the iron is hot!

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