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Fish Oil Import Ban: Update

Fish Oil Import Ban: Update
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The International Trade Commission (ITC) refused to hear the case; Amarin appeals.
From Nutraingredients:

Amarin Pharmaceuticals Inc. has appealed the decision by the US International Trade Commission not to hear its case in which it had sought to prevent the import of some omega-3 dietary supplements. The company also filed a technical writ to try to force ITC action.

Comment: We’re glad the ITC threw out the case, and not surprised that Amarin is appealing. Check out our previous piece for the background. We pointed out that it would be outrageous to ban fish oil – one of the most anti-inflammatory of foods – with inflammation linked to so many illnesses, with so many people in pain, and with a prescription drug crisis ravaging the nation. The courts must continue to block the creation of a monopoly in the fish oil market.

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