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Cronyism Blocks Another Affordable COVID Med

Cronyism Blocks Another Affordable COVID Med
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Despite positive data, mainstream medicine is ignoring an affordable COVID medicine. Action Alert!

The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) published a paper reviewing the evidence for ivermectin, an off-patent drug for river blindness, arguing that it has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that make it effective in the prevention and treatment of COVID. The evidence on ivermectin is, unsurprisingly, being ignored by the medical establishment because it is a cheap drug and can’t make boatloads of money for drug companies—much like hydroxychloroquine. This is another example of what is wrong with American medicine; we must fight to change it.

FLCCC point to an impressive array of data from around the world showing how safe and effective ivermectin is in the prevention and treatment of COVID:

  • All 8 available controlled trial results show statistically significant reductions in transmission;
  • 3 RCT’s demonstrate large statistically significant reductions in transmission rates;
  • 5 RCT’s show statistically significant impacts in time to recovery or hospital length of stay;
  • 1 RCT showed a large, statistically significant reduction in the rate of deterioration or hospitalization;
  • 3 RCT’s showed large, statistically significant reductions in mortality.

Further, the authors point to large “natural experiments” in South America where ivermectin was widely distributed among the population of parts of Brazil, Paraguay, and Peru, resulting in significant decreases in the number of COVID cases and mortality rates in those areas.

Critics argue that the quality of the evidence on ivermectin so far is “very low grade,” and that the FLCCC should be pushing for a large scale, placebo-controlled trial to study the effects of ivermectin. But as we’ve argued before, the funding for such a trial can be extremely difficult to come by because ivermectin is off-patent, so no drug company stands to make a fortune from selling this drug. Without a large-scale trial on ivermectin, though, mainstream medicine won’t take this safe and effective treatment seriously, just as the medical establishment in this country refuses to take effective natural medicines seriously.

Regarding ivermectin’s safety: FLCCC report that ivermectin has a low rate of adverse events, with the majority being mild and transient. Serious adverse events were found in one study to occur in less than 1 percent of patients.

All of this underlines how broken the healthcare system in this country is. The government pushes expensive, often dangerous medicines for COVID (remember remdesivir?) and other illnesses while ignoring low-cost alternatives that either cannot be strongly patented or are off-patent. Who will fund clinical trials on these alternatives when the exorbitant cost of the trials cannot be recouped? And without the trials, they can’t go through FDA approval and thus cannot make disease claims for treating COVID or any other disease. This arrangement keeps medicine expensive and drug companies rich.

Action Alert! Support our legislative proposal to reform a healthcare system that blocks access to natural treatments that generally cannot go through FDA approval. Please send your message immediately.

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