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Run (or Walk, or Hike, or Ride a Bike) for Integrative Health on December 4!

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Hiking young couple point at panoramic view
Join ANH-USA and the Natural Health Alliance Foundation in a nationwide event to raise money for integrative medicine research—and to find real cures for breast cancer and other devastating diseases!
When the cure for breast cancer is often worse than the disease, continued access to important alternative treatments for breast cancer is more important than ever. We are asking YOU to help make that happen on Sunday, December 4.
It’s easy. Just go to the “Promote Integrative Medicine” event page and click the black button on the right that says, “Fundraise for this Event.” Choose whether you want to sign up as an individual, start a new team, or join an existing team. If you start a new team, you’ll be able to invite friends to join your team as well. If you wish, you can set a monetary goal for your fundraising event!
The main event page has a leaderboard showing which teams and individuals have raised the most money so far, so you can compete with others! Also check out ANH-USA staff’s team page, where you’ll find details of our own 10-mile hike in Washington, DC.
Washington metro area members and readers are welcome to join us on our hike! Just email [email protected] with the subject “Integrative Medicine Hike,” and we’ll send you details (including the hiking route) closer to the day of the event.

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