What the Government isn’t Telling you about your Food and Drugs

******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ********
stopAsk the FDA to Warn Patients of SSRI Violence!
FDA-approved SSRI drugs currently contain a black box notice warning that the drug may cause young people to want to kill themselves, especially in the first few months of treatment. We believe that the black box warnings need to be expanded to include the risk of psychotic breaks and violence against other people. Please ask the FDA to expand the current black box warnings to include violence against others.
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Tell the FDA to Warn Consumers about Antidepressants and Violence!

The FDA has approved a reformulated version of Prozac, but this one is just for dogs. The product label does not contain the black box warning that is mandatory on the version given to humans. ANH-USA is asking the FDA to expand the black box warning on SSRIs for humans to include a warning about increased risk of violence toward others, and to put a similar black box warning on the version marketed for pets.
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Tell the FDA that Gluten and GMOs Are Allergenic Too!

FDA is asking for comments on establishing thresholds for food allergens for labeling purposes and enforcement action. Tell FDA to broaden their scope and look at gluten in addition to the so-called “major” food allergens and consider IgA and IgG allergenic responses in addition to the more dramatic IgE responses. Also tell them the threshold level for GMO might be different than for conventional versions and needs to be considered when setting the thresholds.
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Tell Congress that USDA Is Breaking the Law with the Almond Rule

The USDA’s Almond Rule, ordered all almond growers to “sterilize” almonds in one of several ways: heat them using steam, roast or blanch them, or treat them with propylene oxide (PPO). These are all poor options—PPO is a “probable human carcinogen” according to the EPA. Calling such almonds “raw” is therefore misleading—they are actually cooked or chemically treated. The rule actually expands the USDA’s powers without congressional authorization.

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Tell Congress to Repeal the Ban on Incandescent Light Bulbs!

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) mandates the phase-out of incandescent light bulbs in favor of compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs by 2014. But CFL bulbs contain mercury and emit levels of ultraviolet radiation so high that they can actually burn skin and skin cells and could cause skin cancer in its deadliest form—melanoma. Please contact your legislators immediately and call for a repeal of the ban on incandescent lights.
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Read More About What the Government isn’t Telling you about your Food and Drugs:

Pesticides Definitively Linked to Bee Colony Collapse
Zombie-Bee-537x387April 2, 2013
Isn’t it time the EPA listened to the science and not the insecticide manufacturer?
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FDA Again Ignores Instructions from Congress
starch-wheat-flourJanuary 29, 2013And turns a blind eye to allergic reactions from Big Farma’s favorite foods.
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Baby’s Being Harmed by Mom’s Antidepressants
Depression March 13, 2012
But now we know that “low serotonin”—which is what SSRI’s “fix”—doesn’t even cause depression!
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Toxic Chemical Being Sold as a Health-Conscious Sweetener
splendaessentialsFebruary 21, 2012
Splenda Essentials pretend to be health-supporting, when in fact they seem to have more in common with pesticides than with sugar.
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Why Would a Young Person Start Shooting in School?
drugs-treat-depression-medicineDecember 20, 2011
Prozac and other SSRIs kill kids—and not just from suicide. A judge now agrees. New Action Alert!
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An FDA-Approved Treatment for Osteoporosis that Actually Makes Bones Worse!
Your BonesNovember 29, 2011
FDA’s prescription for bone health and osteoporosis has been shown to make bones far more fragile in the long term, and may even cause jaw death and esophageal cancer.
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Reader’s Corner
prozac dogAugust 23, 2011
A humane society director warns that dogs addicted to Prozac become unadoptable.
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