Free Speech About Science Act (FSAS)

Free Speech About Science Act (FSAS)

FSAS Overview
FSAS White Paper
FSAS Legislative Text
FSA Section by Section Analysis
FSAS Overview
More and more Americans are taking charge of their personal health—determined to improve their diets and emphasize preventive care in order to stay or get healthy. Consumers are looking for reliable information backed by legitimate scientific research to assist in making informed choices. Access to this information is essential to knowing which foods and food supplements really are healthy and helpful for good health.
Immediate Goals:

  1. Consumer empowerment; and
  2. Eliminate government censorship

Long-term Goals:

  1. A healthier nation; and
  2. Healthcare cost savings from informed decisions

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******** Action Alerts for this Campaign ********
Tell the FDA to Follow the Same Standards for Supplements as for Alzheimer’s Drugsthe FDA is going to lift the proof-of-effectiveness requirement for drugs, they need to do the same for supplements and food! If the proposal for Alzheimer’s drugs were applied to natural foods and supplements, supplement manufacturers would be able to prove effectiveness without RCTs, while also having the opportunity to prove long-term effectiveness in post-marketing (i.e., observational) studies.
Read More>>Free Speech About Health Science May Become a Reality – But Only With Your Help!

Help us gain co-sponsors for the Free Speech about Science Act, HR 1364!
Consumers are largely kept in the dark about the potential health benefits of foods and supplements. Why? Because current law makes it illegal for food and supplement producers to share this information.
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Tell Congress to Stop FTC’s Power Grab
Contact your senators and representative, and tell them you won’t put up with the FTC’s naked power grab. Tell them this is the same abuse of power that made Congress remove the agency’s rulemaking authority three decades ago. Ask them to take action against the FTC’s blatant lawlessness and disregard of Congress.
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Tell the FDA to Stop Trying to Censor Consumer Free Speech and Internet Searches!
The US Food and Drug Administration has recently issued warning letters to two different supplement companies—one for “liking” a Facebook customer testimonial, the other because a website search for disease terms pulls up information about the company’s products. In both cases FDA accuses them of making implied disease claims. Companies should not be held responsible for customer comments on social media pages—if a company stops allowing customer comments that might get it in hot water with the FDA, then the agency has censored consumer speech. And the website search accusation is a very slippery slope.
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Read More About the FSAS Act:

Readers’ Corner: It’s a Drug When Big Pharma Wants It to Be a Drug
A medication at the center of a recent court ruling turns out to be a completely natural substance.
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Free Speech Court Ruling Could Have Far-reaching Consequences
iStock_000018424012XSmallDecember 4, 2012
Big Pharma seems to be the winner. But this could open the door for natural health companies to cite truthful science about supplements.
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POM-WonderfulMay 29, 2012
Some of our readers wondered about contradictory major media headlines. The facts of the case follow.
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FDA, Under Court Order, Nevertheless Refuses to Allow Truthful Claims Based on Good Science
freedom-of-speechMay 21, 2012
You would think the FDA would obey a judge’s ruling on qualified health claims. Think again.
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Breaking News: Big Scientific Free Speech Win!
POM WonderfulMay 21, 2012
In a 335-page ruling handed down today, an Administrative Law Judge with oversight of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has upheld the right of pomegranate juice manufacturer POM Wonderful to tell consumers about the health benefits of its juice.
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FDA Accuses Supplement Manufacturers of…Selling Drugs
supplement-label-150x150May 17, 2011
Misleading claims vs. legitimate science—getting to the truth can be a minefield! Which is why the Free Speech about Science Act is so important.
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Free Speech About Natural Health Science—It’s Time to Fight Back!
capitol_hillMarch 29, 2011
The Free Speech about Science Act of 2011 is about to be introduced in Congress. This is an exciting and hugely important bill that you’ll want to support with zeal.
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New Government Report Says FDA Should Ask Congress for More Authority over Health Claims
GAOJanuary 25, 2011
Who should worry about this? And will consumers learn even less about what they are eating?
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Top Ten Integrative Medicine Therapies
mayo_altNovember 30, 2010
The Mayo Clinic has its list; we have ours. Which complementary and alternative medicine modalities are most important to you and your family?
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Time for a Paradigm Shift: Nutritional Medicine
gaby[1]November 30, 2010
If the Mayo Clinic’s guide is “Integrative Medicine Lite,” the genuine article is found in another new book, Nutritional Medicine by Alan R. Gaby, MD.
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Tell The FDA That Cherries—And Now Walnuts—Are NOT Illegal Drugs!
April 13, 2010
In the latest volley of the US Food and Drug Administration’s bizarre war on scientific freedom of speech, the FDA has sent a Warning Letter to the president and CEO of Diamond Foods stating that the firm’s packages of shelled walnuts are “in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.”
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US Censorship of Scientific Free Speech Continues as Bayer Faces Lawsuit over Its Selenium Claims
July 14, 2009
Bayer faces a lawsuit over its label on One a Day Men’s Vitamins because the company dared to tell the truth that selenium may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Beverly Eakman, a former teacher and retired speechwriter for the heads of three government agencies, weighs in on the subject.
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Scientific Freedom of Speech in Medical Journals—What Role Does Pharmaceutical Advertising Play Regarding Vitamin Supplements?
February 17, 2009
Researchers from two universities have found that “in major medical journals, more pharmaceutical advertising is associated with publishing fewer articles about dietary supplements.” The research also noted that more pharmaceutical company advertising resulted in the journal having more articles with “negative conclusions about dietary supplement safety.”
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