AMA Monopoly

AMA Monopoly

******* Action Alerts for this Campaign *******
stopSupport the ABC Coding System
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Standardized medical-coding systems ensure the timely and accurate electronic processing of insurance bills and claims. Currently, the allopathic community utilizes CPT codes. CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) are owned by the American Medical Association and which used to identify procedures, products, supplies, and services. However, a majority of alternative treatments do not have a designated code; as a result, alternative care is at a disadvantage. That is where ABC coding comes into play.
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Read More About the AMA Monopoly:

Medical Billing Codes—Will Nurses and Alternative Medicine Ever Get a Foot in the Door?
medical-billing-codesNovember 13, 2012
Not if crony interests can stop it. But there are the highly respected ABC codes, which integrative practitioners can start using immediately.
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Washington’s Brand of Crony Capitalist Medicine
Handshake. Meeting two businessmen. Isolated 3D imageNovember 13, 2012
Does AARP really speak for the elderly? Or the AMA for doctors?
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Treating Drug-Induced Diseases…
drugsOctober 11, 2011
…With more—and worse—drugs?
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A New Tick-Borne Illness—Medical Establishment and the Government Behind the Curve Again!
tick alertSeptember 27, 2011
Who can we trust for accurate info?
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Readers’ Corner
February 22, 2011
Our recent articles on sweeteners and Lyme disease evoked a great deal of discussion. Here are two especially informative comments.
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Lyme Disease: Misdiagnosed, Underreported—and Epidemic
Zecke auf menschlicher HautFebruary 15, 2011
This is yet another example of the US medical-industrial complex run amok. Lyme is one of the most serious epidemics of our time. Yet the opinions of 2% of the medical community are dominating the beliefs and practices of the mass majority of practicing Lyme physicians!
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AMA’s Government-Protected Monopoly Squeezes Out Alternative Medicine
July 27, 2010
The world of medicine is run by billing codes. Every hospital, doctor, and practitioner who accepts insurance or Medicare uses billing codes so they can be reimbursed. But where are the codes for integrative and alternative medical services? Our Action Alert to the DHS this week asks for the incorporation of these integrative codes.
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