Senator Durbin and the FDA Attack Supplements


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Coverage below originally appeared in ANH-USA’s weekly newsletter, The Pulse of Natural Health. Sign up today—it’s free!

Details on Our September 8 Call-In Lobbying Day
August 30, 2011
We need to ask Congress to review the FDA’s absurd claims and carefully watch over the FDA’s draft NDI (supplement) guidance process. Please join us in this nationwide campaign!

The Threat to Dietary Supplements We Couldn’t Tell You About Last Year
October 4, 2011
ANH-USA is always working behind the scenes in Washington on your behalf. But sometimes we can’t shout it from the rooftops.

Senator Durbin’s Stealth Move on Supplements
October 25, 2011
Since he’s having trouble getting his own bill passed, he’s trying a different approach to get the same results.

NDI Supplement Guidance is Just a Bait-and-Switch—and Time Is Running Out to Stop It!
October 25, 2011
Only 38 more days to tell FDA and Congress that the proposed rules for supplements could lead to the elimination of thousands of supplements and make the surviving ones much more expensive.

A Cautious Victory on the Durbin Amendment
November 8, 2011
The senator’s latest volley has failed, but we can expect him to introduce something similar at the next opportunity.

A New NDI Bill: It’s a Step in the Right Direction, but There’s Still a Long Way to Go
November 14, 2011
FDA’s disastrous supplement guidance, which threatens thousands of supplements, would be greatly improved by a new bill in the House. But it isn’t enough.

“FDA is Violating Federal Law” says Jonathan Emord
December 6, 2011
Bolstered by a massive outpouring of support from you, we are asking the agency to withdraw its New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) draft guidance completely!

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