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ANH’s Free Speech Fight Gains Momentum

ANH’s Free Speech Fight Gains Momentum
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ANH-USA’s efforts to get to the bottom of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) latest free speech attack is picking up steam and getting important coverage in the media. Action Alert!

Last week, we reported that we submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to learn the real motivations for the FTC’s attack on free speech in the natural products sector. Our FOIA request stems from concerns that the FTC’s recent guidance will have the effect of limiting consumer access to vital scientific information about the benefits of dietary supplements and other natural products. We believe the agency is poised to start cracking down on health claims related to nutrients, and we want to learn how the new FTC policy was generated, which could potentially serve as the basis for a legal challenge to the agency’s overreach.

Independent news outlets have taken notice of our efforts. You can see coverage of our important work in this area here, here, and here.

We’re facing a government-led campaign to conceal the remarkable truth about the healing and disease-preventing powers of foods and nutrients, ultimately misleading the public so that they spend their money on drugs rather than natural supplements.

Let’s keep up the momentum. Help us push back against the government’s censorship campaign and support free speech!

Action Alert! Write to Congress and the FTC, telling them to complete ANH’s FOIA request. Please send your message immediately.

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