War on Natural Medicine Continues

War on Natural Medicine Continues

If a mainstay treatment of natural medicine doctors is shown to be safe and effective by government research, what do you do? Ban it! Action Alert! Congress passed the Drug Quality and Security Act in response to bad medicine from a rogue compounded-drug company, which the FDA had known about and refused to shut down. […]

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They Knew from the Beginning…

They Knew from the Beginning…

…That GMOs weren’t safe. State-based Action Alerts!  A new study from GMO researcher and molecular biologist Gilles-Éric Séralini, PhD, shows that the first commercialized genetically modified crop in 1996 may have been toxic to farm animals—but the evidence was swept under the rug. You may recall that Dr. Séralini recently won two court cases against […]

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“Diet Coke Is Healthier than Water!”

“Diet Coke Is Healthier than Water!”

This is according to a bizarre new Coca-Cola-funded study. Here we go again. We’ve reported frequently on the subversion of science at the hands of industry, but this one takes the cake. A new obesity study led by Prof. Peter Rogers, PhD, of the University of Bristol, arrives at the following conclusion: “Overall, the balance […]

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Has PBS Become a Front for Big Pharma?

Has PBS Become a Front for Big Pharma?

A PBS Frontline documentary argues that supplements are useless—relying on “expert testimony” from paid Pharma representatives. Last week, PBS’s Frontline aired an hour-long program titled “Supplements and Safety.” Jointly produced by Frontline, the New York Times, and the Canadian Broadcasting Commission, the program was clearly intended to leave viewers with the one-sided impression that dietary […]

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Grass-Fed Label For Meat—Gone!

Grass-Fed Label For Meat—Gone!

The US Department of Agriculture is nixing its grass-fed standard, but they’re doing it for the most absurd reason imaginable. Action Alert! Last week, the USDA announced it would be withdrawing its standard for the grass-fed meat label. The agency is giving producers who used the grass-fed label thirty days to (1) convert the current “grass-fed” […]

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Superbugs to Kill Millions Soon?

Superbugs to Kill Millions Soon?

Just because Big Pharma can’t make big money from the potential solutions is not a reason for further delay. Action Alert! Antibiotic-resistant illnesses currently kill an estimated 700,000 people a year globally. By 2050, these illnesses are expected to kill 10 million people. Based on recent research, it could be even worse—and coming even sooner. […]

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FDA: Your Own Cells Are a Drug!

FDA: Your Own Cells Are a Drug!

To protect Big Pharma, the FDA is coming after stem cell therapies. Don’t let the agency classify your body as a pharmaceutical drug. Action Alert!  In the next few months, the FDA will hold a public meeting to discuss its recent actions to clamp down on the use of autologous stem cell treatments. This is […]

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Who Will Give Us Trustworthy Diet Advice?

Who Will Give Us Trustworthy Diet Advice?

Not the government. Not most doctors. This is why we need to protect health coaches. Action Alert! The government’s advice is completely tainted by special interest influence, politics, and a refusal to admit mistakes. This was illustrated again by last week’s report from the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA), “Dietary […]

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