Glyphosate: Will the EPA Capitulate to Its Cronies?

Glyphosate: Will the EPA Capitulate to Its Cronies?

They’re concerned the truth will come out about this ubiquitous poison. Action Alert! Recently we reported that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a draft report on the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. This was in advance of a meeting in which a panel of scientists would discuss […]

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Tylenol During Pregnancy Linked to Autism

Tylenol During Pregnancy Linked to Autism

Another in a long list of reasons to avoid this drug. A recent study found that boys exposed to acetaminophen (Tylenol) before birth were more likely to have symptoms of autism during childhood. This isn’t the first time that scientists have reported a connection between using this drug during pregnancy and brain and behavior abnormalities […]

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Sewage with My Salad?

Sewage with My Salad?

The fruits and vegetables you feed your family may have been grown in re-purposed sewage filled with pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, and other contaminants. Action Alert! Hundreds of thousands of tons of sewage sludge are spread each year on America’s forests and agricultural lands. This is commonly done with great secrecy. If you want to know […]

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GMO: The Truth about the Science

GMO: The Truth about the Science

The truth can be very hard to get. So we’ve updated our own GMO Fact Check site. And we need to stop a new effort to use taxpayer money to spread industry propaganda. Action Alert! Earlier this month, major biotech and agriculture groups sent a letter to key members of the House and Senate Appropriations […]

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Golden Rice Is a Sham GMO Invention

Golden Rice Is a Sham GMO Invention

“Golden rice” is a genetically modified rice product with murky beginnings. Calgene (the company that created Flavr-Savr tomatoes genetically modified with fish genes) held the first patent. It, and its inventor, Christine K. Shewmaker, apparently transferred to Monsanto when the company bought Calgene. Later on, the patent turned up at Syngenta under the names of […]

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GM Corrupts Our DNA Code

GM Corrupts Our DNA Code

GMOs are part of so-called “synthetic biology,” an attempt to synthesize and change the code of all living things so everything can be bought and sold as a product. But genetic modification obliterates millions of years of adaptation to the environment. Whether you look at it as evolution or the work of God, monkeying with […]

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