7 Ways to Minimize the Harms of Cooking Oils

7 Ways to Minimize the Harms of Cooking Oils

From Ronald Hoffman, MD We’ve long been propagandized about the imperative to switch from saturated fat to plant-derived oils. I’ve pushed back on that shaky proposition in an article entitled “The Weak Case Against Saturated Fats”. But just as the old shibboleth about animal fat is being debunked, a new dogma is emerging: That vegetable […]

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The False Promise of Lab-Grown Meat

The False Promise of Lab-Grown Meat

Lab-grown, or cultured, meat is being heralded as an ethical, climate-saving alternative to traditional meat. But what if it isn’t safe, and what if its carbon footprint exceeds that of grass-fed animals? Read on and find out what the science is now showing us. It’s no longer science fiction, it’s here: the US government approved […]

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All 4 Vitamin D

All 4 Vitamin D

While the summer sun still shines, we need your help NOW to expand access to vitamin D supplements so they reach those Americans who need it most when the days get shorter! Action Alert! The All 4 Vitamin D campaign is calling for Congress to amend the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to include vitamin […]

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PFAS Report puts FDA in Cross-Hairs

PFAS Report puts FDA in Cross-Hairs

Our report showing supermarket kale to be contaminated with toxic chemicals is getting picked up far and wide. Help us maintain the momentum and call for a ban on toxic PFAS “forever chemicals.” Action Alert! Last week, we launched a national campaign on the back of our pilot study showing 7 of 8 supermarket kale […]

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Hormone Replacement Therapy in Jeopardy

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Jeopardy

The screws continue to tighten on compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (cBHRT), the future of which is in peril. We need your help to support a US Senate sign-on letter telling the FDA NOT to limit access to these treatments. Action Alert! A letter being circulated in the Senate by US Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and […]

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Free Speech Victory! Court Pushes Back Against Censors

Free Speech Victory! Court Pushes Back Against Censors

A federal judge has found that the Biden Administration likely violated the First Amendment by working with major social media companies to censor speech it didn’t like. Action Alert! U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty issued a preliminary injunction barring federal officials and agencies, including the Surgeon General, the Secretary of Health, the Justice Department, […]

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