When HDL is a Friend, Not a Foe

When HDL is a Friend, Not a Foe

From Ronald Hoffman, MD HDL is the “good cholesterol”, in contrast to LDL, the “bad cholesterol”. Generally, healthy lifestyle measures like exercise and maintenance of healthy weight via a low-refined carb diet are associated with better HDL numbers. By now I’m familiar with the refrain: “Doc, I know my cholesterol’s high, but so’s my HDL. […]

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Free Speech’s Grim Future

Free Speech’s Grim Future

How government agencies and academic elites are planning to halt the spread of “misinformation.” Action Alert! Last week, the 2023 Nobel Prize Summit was hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Titled “Truth, Trust, and Hope,” the summit’s main goal was to figure out how to deal with the scourge of scientific […]

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The Calm Before Another COVID Storm?

A renowned virologist issues a warning to those who believe we’ve seen the end of COVID, and how mass vaccination campaigns perpetuate the pandemic. Powered by odysee embed generator March 2021 saw vaccinologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, take to social media to broadcast a warning about the dangers of a mass vaccination campaign during a pandemic. Yet […]

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Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming

Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming

We debated GMOs for years, why aren’t we debating the latest bioengineering tech: mRNA? Action Alert! Are you ready for the total transformation of our food supply? There are dozens of veterinary vaccines (and human vaccines, for that matter) in production utilizing the new mRNA technology that underpinned the COVID vaccines. This new technology is entering […]

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Stop RESTRICT Act Threat to Free Speech

Stop RESTRICT Act Threat to Free Speech

A bill designed to ban TikTok gives the government far-reaching powers to continue its campaign against free speech and expression. Action Alert! It’s a scenario that’s played itself out countless times in history: under the guise of “protecting” us, the government wants to take away key liberties. The latest assault comes in the form of […]

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Honor National Women’s Health Week by Supporting Access to Bioidentical Hormones

Honor National Women’s Health Week by Supporting Access to Bioidentical Hormones

Compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (cBHRT) is in peril. Help support a sign-on letter in Congress telling the FDA NOT to limit access to these treatments. Action Alert! The letter, circulated by Reps. Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) and Michael Burgess (R-TX), draws attention to many of the issues with the FDA’s process we’ve discussed in our […]

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More Attacks on Free Speech Are Imminent

More Attacks on Free Speech Are Imminent

The anti-‘misinformation’ machine continues to hum. If we’re going to protect free speech and the integrity of the scientific method, we must stand up for these basic principles. The upcoming Nobel Prize Summit (May 24-26) is, in a fittingly Orwellian fashion, titled “Truth, Trust, and Hope.” The event will tackle the scourge of misinformation, which […]

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The Plan for WHO Supremacy Over Human Health

The Plan for WHO Supremacy Over Human Health

From ANH-International Much has changed since the World Health Organization (WHO) was established in the wake of World War II. Like a newborn, the WHO was initially naïve and came in with noble intentions. It evolved its view of health, moving from one that was just the absence of disease, towards a more holistic concept, […]

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