How to Heal from the Ground Up

How to Heal from the Ground Up

Join us on a journey looking at how to achieve whole-person health, naturally. Today, we’re introducing a new series called Healing from the Ground Up. This series will demonstrate a different model of healthcare in which drugs and surgery are the last line of defense, rather than the first and only option. This model will […]

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Why There is So Little Natural Medicine Research

Why There is So Little Natural Medicine Research

Skeptics often dismiss and criticize natural approaches to healthcare, claiming that there isn’t evidence to support their effectiveness. Here’s why they’re both wrong and right (for the wrong reasons). Action Alert! Mainstream critics have been calling natural medicine “snake oil” and “quackery” for years. The essence of this argument is that there isn’t any evidence […]

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Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally

Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally

As a key contributor to the leading cause of death among adults, getting blood pressure under control is of critical importance—here are some natural ways to do so. Let this sink in: high blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for dying prematurely, and 90 percent of Americans are predicted to develop it […]

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Legal Jeopardy for Homeopathy

Legal Jeopardy for Homeopathy

As the FDA dangles the axe over homeopathy at the federal level, states are (and have been) getting in on the action to restrict access. Action Alert! Recently, the Center for Inquiry filed a lawsuit against Boiron, one of the largest homeopathic manufacturers in the country, under Washington, D.C.’s consumer protection laws, alleging the company […]

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Statins Increase Diabetes Risk by 38%

Statins Increase Diabetes Risk by 38%

By Joseph Mercola, DO According to a 2020 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 34.1 million U.S. adults had diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes in 2018. There were slightly more men than women, and more white, non-Hispanic people with diabetes than Black, Asian or Hispanic people combined. Just two years later, these numbers […]

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