Homeopathy for COVID

Homeopathy for COVID

Can homeopathic medicines help with COVID and other infections, or is this more “disinformation”? Action Alert! Late last year, the FDA issued a statement regarding cold medicines for children, including homeopathic products. Notably, the agency stated: “The FDA is not aware of any proven benefits of [homeopathic] products and urges you not to give homeopathic cough […]

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CDC Opts for Opioids over Natural Alternatives

CDC Opts for Opioids over Natural Alternatives

…in updated opioid treatment guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Action Alert! The CDC recently proposed an updated set of recommendations for how and when to prescribe opioid medications. Doctors are, and should be, free to prescribe what they feel is necessary to help their patients—but should the federal government be […]

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Stop Agency Abuse of Power

Stop Agency Abuse of Power

For too long, federal agencies like the FDA have shirked democratic responsibilities and ignored the law, allowing them to inject themselves into our lives without any accountability—it’s time for it to stop. Action Alert! We are increasingly subject to rules and decrees that are undemocratically (and perhaps illegally) issued from federal agencies like the Food […]

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Supplement Critic Exposed as Fraud

Supplement Critic Exposed as Fraud

Investigations reveal that a study used by state Attorneys General to attack supplements is a sham, along with its lead author. Action Alert! The investigation, led by the publication Science, provides incredible detail not just about the fraudulent and inaccurate study purporting to show that supplements do not contain what their labels say, but about […]

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GMO Name Game Revealed

GMO Name Game Revealed

New USDA rules go into effect that allow Big Food to hide their genetically modified ingredients. Starting January 1 of this year, the new GMO labeling rules went into effect. Sorry, we mean “bioengineered” labeling, the term the government and industry chose to obfuscate the issue and confuse consumers. Obfuscation and confusion were the chief […]

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FDA Raising Our Blood Pressure

FDA Raising Our Blood Pressure

The FDA accepted a health claim for magnesium, but somehow still manages to censor information on this critical nutrient. Action Alert! Earlier this month, the FDA announced it will allow a health claim regarding magnesium and hypertension. The agency admits there is scientific support that magnesium helps with high blood pressure…but the evidence is “inconsistent […]

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