Feds: Hangover is a Disease

Feds: Hangover is a Disease

The latest power grab from an agency that is out of control. Action Alert! In a slew of warning letters, the FDA attacked companies selling “unapproved” cures for hangovers. In its explanation, the agency states that hangovers are included in the federal definition of disease, so products claiming to treat them must receive FDA approval. […]

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Who Will Defend Natural Health on Capitol Hill?

Who Will Defend Natural Health on Capitol Hill?

Take a moment to thank proponents of natural health. Action Alerts!  Below you’ll find a list of Congressional champions on issues critical to the natural health community. It is important for these offices to hear from their constituents: thank you letters reinforce the good work these members are doing and will incentivize continued support on […]

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COVID: Taxpayers Invest in Pharma Profits

COVID: Taxpayers Invest in Pharma Profits

Taxpayers are shelling out billions for drugs that don’t work. This has to stop. Action Alert! A recent exposé in Rolling Stone magazine details how Big Pharma companies are making out like bandits during this pandemic. The details highlight some of the worst aspects of our crony medical system that ensures Americans keep taking drugs […]

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Cronies Keeping Healthcare Expensive

Cronies Keeping Healthcare Expensive

Congress is working to expand telehealth access for Americans, but special interests are working to keep healthcare costs high. Action Alerts! Many Americans, particularly during this pandemic, have benefitted from expanded access to telemedicine services. There are a number of bills in Congress that seek to make permanent changes in the rules to allow more […]

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Simple Solutions to Contain COVID Costs

Simple Solutions to Contain COVID Costs

Lawmakers can help keep Americans healthy by expanding access to dietary supplements through health savings accounts. Action Alert! For years now, ANH-USA has supported expanding qualified HSA expenses to include dietary supplements. The current bill, S 4463, is sponsored by Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and allows Health Savings Account (HSA) funds to go toward dietary supplements without […]

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