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Brain fog: the Tip of a Serious Health Iceberg

Brain fog: the Tip of a Serious Health Iceberg
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From ANH-International

Last week saw over 100 national and international speakers, 500+ in-person delegates and over 2,000 virtual attendees gather for the 2nd World Congress of the World Council for Health and Médicos Pela Vida in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The congress was largely solution-based, focusing on where we find ourselves now with chronic COVID-19 and post-vaccination diseases and what to do about them. Delegates and attendees were comprised of medical doctors, health professionals from the integrative, complementary and alternative fields and interested lay people. ​The entire congress was simultaneously translated into Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Both Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge were there to represent ANH-Intl and below we share Meleni’s riveting presentation on brain inflammation, its myriad causes, early signs and symptoms, along with strategies for managing and even reversing it, before long term neurodegenerative damage can occur.

Before the events of the past two years, we were already seeing an epidemic of brain-related dysfunction and disease from mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative and psychiatric conditions, which were surpassing cardiovascular diseases and cancer morbidity incidence. Neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases are within the category of the most important diseases given their dramatic impact on society as a whole.

Since the pandemic, this epidemic is fast turning into a tsunami if we don’t start taking action fast to reverse the trend. The WHO notes that depression and anxiety levels worldwide are up by 25% and cases of major depressive disorder up by almost 28%.

Neurodegenerative, mental health and psychiatric conditions all have subtle, chronic or flaring brain inflammation at their core.

Read the full article.

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