FDA Considers Acid Blockers Warning

FDA Considers Acid Blockers Warning

The FDA is considering ANH’s petition to add a pneumonia warning on acid blocker medications. Let’s keep up the pressure to make sure it happens. Action Alert! Last year, ANH submitted a Citizens Petition to the FDA calling for the addition of a pneumonia warning on all proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medications. The FDA’s interim response letter can […]

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Addiction Crisis Deepens

Addiction Crisis Deepens

We’re nearing a grim milestone in the drug addiction crisis. Will the feds let us use non-addictive natural medicines for pain? Action Alert! Drug overdoses could, for the first time, kill 100,000 Americans in a single year. The epidemic of drug and opioid addictions is reaching a fever pitch, but is largely overshadowed by the […]

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Food Is Medicine: More Evidence

Food Is Medicine: More Evidence

A large study found that prenatal diets are linked to obesity in childhood. Action Alert! A study of more than 16,000 mother-child pairs in seven European countries found that prenatal diets high in fruits and vegetables and low in refined carbohydrates and processed meat through pregnancy may help prevent childhood obesity. This study once again […]

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GE Salmon is Coming

GE Salmon is Coming

AquaBounty, the purveyor of the genetically engineered (GE) salmon, said the fish could reach store shelves by April of 2021. Action Alert! In a recent online press conference, a chief executive for AquaBounty said that its genetically engineered salmon would be on sale to the US public in April, adding that seven out of ten […]

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FDA Ensures Pharma Profits on COVID

FDA Ensures Pharma Profits on COVID

The agency trashes a cheap, off-patent drug for COVID-19, clearing the way for a new blockbuster drug. Action Alert! The FDA recently issued a statement warning patients not to use the drug ivermectin, an off-patent drug for river blindness, to treat COVID-19, despite substantial evidence of its efficacy. The very next day, Merck announced positive […]

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Big Pharma: Killer Profits…Dud Medicines

Big Pharma: Killer Profits…Dud Medicines

A new Congressional report explains how Big Pharma earns billions of profits from often ineffective and unsafe and almost always super expensive drugs. Action Alert! The report, released by Congresswoman Katie Porter (CA-45), details the monopolistic practices of Big Pharma, finding that mergers in the industry destroy innovation and competition. The result? Few, if any, […]

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No More Babies?

No More Babies?

Experts warn we are facing a fertility crisis caused in large part by endocrine disrupting chemicals. Action Alert! The fertility crisis affects both men and women. Research has shown that sperm counts for men have fallen 59% from 1973 to 2011; girls are experiencing early puberty; adult women face declining egg quality and more miscarriages. […]

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Expanded Healthcare Options Eliminated

Expanded Healthcare Options Eliminated

Reforms implemented during the last administration have been rolled back. Action Alert! President Biden has signed an executive order rolling back a Trump administration order that expanded access to association health plans, short term health plans, and Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs). These reforms expanded options to health plans that are free from many Obamacare restrictions, […]

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