Censoring Speech and Stealing Nature the FDA Way

Censoring Speech and Stealing Nature the FDA Way

FDA is ignoring Congress and attacking an affordable supplement to protect Big Pharma profits. And we wonder why health care costs so much. Action Alert! As we reported earlier this year, the Farm Bill approved by Congress legalized hemp, which is a major step towards ensuring consumer access to affordable CBD oil supplements. Unfortunately, the FDA […]

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FDA’s Deafening Silence on Ebola Cures

FDA’s Deafening Silence on Ebola Cures

In the midst of another terrible outbreak, why doesn’t the agency discuss natural treatments that can protect us? Action Alert! The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is in the midst of the second largest Ebola outbreak in history (the worst was in West Africa in 2014). Since August 2018, 740 people have been infected—30 percent […]

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Want Internal Bleeding? Take Aspirin Every Day

Want Internal Bleeding? Take Aspirin Every Day

More reasons to avoid this commonly prescribed drug. Action Alert! A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that those taking a daily aspirin are at increased risk of experiencing severe and potentially fatal internal bleeding. The study analyzed 13 randomized clinical trials involving 164,225 participants with no history […]

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Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease

Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease

A stunning study reveals the truth about statins. Action Alert! Research published in the journal Atherosclerosis concludes that statin use increases coronary plaques, which limit blood flow and can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Yes, you read that correctly. Statins, medicines meant to prevent cardiovascular disease, are actually causing it. It should be the […]

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Drug Ad Deception

Drug Ad Deception

The drug industry is using deceptive practices to circumvent the law and sell you more drugs. Action Alert! We’ve all seen the drug TV ads: a couple walking together on a peaceful beach, or playing with the family dog in a sunny meadow—and then we get to the appalling list of side effects that, understandably, […]

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FDA Feeling the Heat on Bioidentical Hormones

FDA Feeling the Heat on Bioidentical Hormones

Thanks to your activism, the FDA has agreed to study bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. But the threat to hormones still looms. Action Alert! For months now, we’ve been telling you about the FDA’s attack on estriol, progesterone, and other bioidentical hormones that are made for individual patients at specialized pharmacies. Now, thanks to the activism […]

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