Will Congress Halt FDA’s NAC Attack?

Will Congress Halt FDA’s NAC Attack?

The FDA’s recent actions against a critical supplement have spurred some in Congress to action. We must build more support on Capitol Hill to protect access. Over the last few months, we’ve been telling you about the FDA’s attack against N-acetylcysteine (NAC), an important antioxidant supplement. We believe the FDA is clearing the market of […]

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Next Public Health Crisis?

Next Public Health Crisis?

How the cell phone industry has muddied the waters for decades on the science of cell phone safety. Are cell phones dangerous for human health? Many scientists knowledgeable about the issues say that they do pose human health risks. Ask the telecoms industry and their friends in the federal government, though, and you get a […]

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They Knew All Along: Cell Phone Dangers

They Knew All Along: Cell Phone Dangers

Cell phone companies had the technology to make their products safer, but never did. Cell phones have become ubiquitous in today’s world, with Americans spending nearly five and a half hours on their phones every day. But are they safe? A compelling case can be made that the cell phone industry knew about the dangers […]

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New Bill to Update Vaccine Court

New Bill to Update Vaccine Court

A new bill would reform the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), but falls far short of fixing this broken program. The bill includes many important reforms, like increasing the cap on compensations and extending the statute of limitations on injuries from three to five years, among other things we will detail below. But there is […]

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The Future of COVID Vaccines

The Future of COVID Vaccines

Will we get the data necessary to be able to make informed choices about COVID vaccination? Action Alert! A number of weeks ago, our friends at ANH International released a white paper detailing how autoimmune patients are at an increased risk of serious adverse events from COVID vaccination. As such, autoimmune patients have a legitimate […]

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Do You Know What’s in Your Makeup?

Do You Know What’s in Your Makeup?

New research shows that many cosmetics contain dangerous chemicals with known human health risks. Action Alert! Cosmetics is a $20 billion industry, but companies aren’t transparent about the fact that a high percentage of these products are made with PFAS, or “forever” chemicals that cause a host of human health and environmental problems. But you […]

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Double Whammy for Autoimmune Patients?

Double Whammy for Autoimmune Patients?

We’ve been detailing the scientific evidence showing the increased risk of serious adverse events for autoimmune patients receiving the COVID vaccine. Emerging data is now showing that patients with compromised immune systems, such as those on immunosuppressive medications and organ transplant recipients, do not generate as strong an immune response to the COVID vaccines as […]

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Will You Be a Second-Class Citizen?

Will You Be a Second-Class Citizen?

Autoimmune patients face increased danger with COVID vaccines and the threat of discrimination if they choose not to get vaccinated. Join Our International Campaign! “Have you been vaccinated?” That question could determine whether you can get into restaurants, movie theaters, schools, workplaces, shopping centers, airports—even neighbors’ homes. This unfairly discriminates against those who have a […]

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Driving Genetic Destruction

Driving Genetic Destruction

We’re moving toward a brave new world of gene editing that the science is telling us could have disastrous consequences. Action Alert! Genetically-engineered (GE) mosquitoes have been released in a number of countries, including the US. We’ve known for some time that these experiments have not gone to plan, but a new paper provides a […]

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