Poisonous Profits: Exposing A Scandal

Poisonous Profits: Exposing A Scandal

Details have emerged showing that Syngenta dragged its feet for decades in curbing deaths related to paraquat poisoning. Help us pass legislation banning this and other dangerous pesticides. Action Alert! Internal company documents that have come to light due to litigation concerning paraquat’s link to Parkinson’s disease detail decades of resistance to making a safer version of paraquat, […]

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What’s Different About the J&J Vaccine?

What’s Different About the J&J Vaccine?

How does the Johnson & Johnson vaccine compare to those already being administered? The FDA granted emergency use authorization to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine, and the CDC has recommended the vaccine for adults 18 years of age and older. Here’s what we know so far about the new vaccine. First, by way of explanation: […]

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Cleaning Frenzy, Health Catastrophe?

Cleaning Frenzy, Health Catastrophe?

How the drive to clean and disinfect during COVID could be damaging our health. Action Alert! The incessant cleaning and disinfecting that has become the norm in many homes and businesses during the pandemic may not only be unnecessary, but dangerous. Chemicals found in cleaning products can adversely affect human health, including acute damage and […]

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You’re Being Zapped With Dirty Electricity

You’re Being Zapped With Dirty Electricity

Experts continue to warn of the dangers of 5G, but the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) exposure go far beyond 5G. Action Alert! As our friends at ANH-International point out, a new consensus statement has been released to reflect the concerns of medical and scientific experts and practitioners around the world on the acute and chronic health […]

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GE Salmon Ruled Unlawful

GE Salmon Ruled Unlawful

This is a major victory for American consumers. Action Alert! The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has ruled that the FDA violated environmental laws in approving genetically engineered (GE) salmon. This is a major victory, especially considering that, given the sham GE food labeling law that Congress passed, the GE salmon […]

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Commonly Used Chemicals Linked to Diabetes, Obesity, Liver Disease

Commonly Used Chemicals Linked to Diabetes, Obesity, Liver Disease

New research demonstrates the dramatic impact of chemical exposures on our genes that control cellular metabolism. Action Alert! Researchers have found that chemical exposures influence our genes that control aging, immune function, metabolism, and more in stunning new findings. This research adds to our growing understanding of the profound impact exposure to even small amounts […]

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The COVID Danger You Haven’t Heard About

The COVID Danger You Haven’t Heard About

Chemicals found in the disinfectants that are being used extensively during COVID could be undermining our health. Action Alert! Some researchers are raising the alarm about quaternary ammonium compounds, or quats, that are commonly found in the disinfectants, hand sanitizers, and sanitizing wipes being used by households and businesses to protect against the COVID-19 virus. […]

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Danger Lurking in Drugs

Danger Lurking in Drugs

More reason to approach prescription drugs with caution. Action Alert! A recent study found that the “inactive” ingredients used in many prescription drugs aren’t so inactive, and in fact impact many of the body’s molecular processes. The authors identified 38 inactive ingredients that interacted with 44 molecular targets; in some cases the level of activity […]

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