Your Cosmetics Are Safer, But Not Safe

Your Cosmetics Are Safer, But Not Safe

Congress has taken some steps to make cosmetics safer, but it’s far from enough to protect Americans from the dangerous chemicals in personal care products. Action Alert! The facts speak for themselves. One study found that 45 percent of women who used makeup regularly had skin disease related to cosmetics. An Australian consumer protection agency found that cosmetics […]

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Are You Buying the Right Magnesium?

Are You Buying the Right Magnesium?

Testing of magnesium products purchased on Amazon show that consumers need to beware of low quality products. Magnesium is critical to human health as a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate everything from protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Yet 60 percent of Americans don’t […]

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ANH Scores Big Win for Supplement Science

ANH Scores Big Win for Supplement Science

For years, we’ve been asking the FDA to stop needlessly blocking research on dietary supplements with red tape. Finally, they’ve listened! We are excited to share a monumental victory that has come about as a direct result of ANH-USA advocacy. In 2014, the FDA started applying drug rules to research being conducted on nutrients. This […]

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What the Media Does and Doesn’t Tell You

What the Media Does and Doesn’t Tell You

ANH latest infographic on pharma and natural health perspectives of Alzheimer’s, obesity, hypertension and cholesterol. From ANH-International. Globally it’s estimated one billion people will be obese by 2030. More than 42 million UK adults (71% of the population) could be overweight or obese by 2040, according to a shocking report released by Cancer Research UK earlier this year. The UK government’s response […]

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FDA Flip Flops on Lifespan Supplement

FDA Flip Flops on Lifespan Supplement

The FDA has said that an important supplement that is on the cutting edge of lifespan and health span research can no longer be sold as a supplement because it is being studied as a drug—another gift to drug monopolists! Action Alert! The FDA pulled a similar reversal a few years ago with vinpocetine, now […]

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Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government

Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government

One of the most powerful groups that influences Americans’ eating decisions is dominated by junk food companies. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and its foundation “assist the food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and agribusiness industries through their large network of professionals and students, their lax internal policies on corporate partnerships and their topical position […]

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Don’t Make this Almond Mistake

Don’t Make this Almond Mistake

Raw almonds deliver a wide array of nutrients and health benefits; but are the almonds you’re buying truly “raw”? Raw almonds contain a bevy of important micronutrients that support health. They support heart health, gut health, fight inflammation, reduce insulin resistance, and help with weight control. It’s relatively well-known that roasting almonds reduces their nutrient content, which is […]

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Mosquitos Modified to ‘Vaccinate’ Against Malaria

Mosquitos Modified to ‘Vaccinate’ Against Malaria

From ANH International Mosquitoes have been genetically modified to ‘vaccinate’ humans against malaria. Volunteers were infected with genetically modified Plasmodium parasites designed to create antibodies, but not make people sick. Despite the hype around the research, it appears results have been mixed. Seven out of the 14 participants contracted malaria, while the antibodies produced by the remaining […]

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