Key Strategy for Keeping Your Brain Sharp

Key Strategy for Keeping Your Brain Sharp

From Joseph Mercola, DO Staying fit as you age is about far more than aesthetics. Increasing research shows that maintaining healthy levels of body fat and greater muscle mass has an effect on your brain health and even your rate of cognitive aging. It’s known, for instance, that being obese in midlife and early late-life […]

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‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides Raise Red Flags About Origins, Impact

‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides Raise Red Flags About Origins, Impact

‘Forever chemicals,’ already a hazardous presence in our kitchens, floor coverings and makeup tables, are now also turning up in some pesticides sprayed on our crops and into the air. Action Alert! Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, lab-made chemicals known collectively as PFAS, have been used in some varieties of nonstick pans, plastic packaging, cosmetics, stain-resistant […]

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The Double-Edge Sword of Stress

The Double-Edge Sword of Stress

Finding balance in a stressful world isn’t easy – but here are some ways to make it easier. From ANH-International. This week is International Stress Awareness Week. In recognition of the ever-increasing, and seemingly overwhelming, burdens that so many are shouldering as social, political, economic and environmental systems become ever more unstable, we offer our top […]

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Is Cancer Really Just a Fungal Infection?

Is Cancer Really Just a Fungal Infection?

From Ronald Hoffman, MD. Recently, a popular website, Gizmodo, regaled readers with the headline: “Our Cancers Are Filled With Fungi”, with the tagline “New research shows that many cancers play host to their own unique microbiomes of fungi, which may affect our chances of surviving them.” Seeing this, I harkened back to work of Dr. Tullio Simoncini, […]

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PFAS Found in Tampons

PFAS Found in Tampons

More disturbing evidence of the presence of toxic “forever” chemicals in common consumer products. Action Alert! A new report has found that five of 23 tampon products tested positive for the presence of PFAS “forever” chemicals, including two brands labeled “organic.” This represents another route of exposure to these dangerous chemicals that seem to be […]

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Your Food Grown From Poison-Coated Seeds

Your Food Grown From Poison-Coated Seeds

How the use of pesticide-coated seeds led to an environmental catastrophe that turned a small American town into a virtual Superfund site. Action Alert! What happens when you mix pesticide-coated seeds and a rogue ethanol plant? An environmental disaster that could poison the water for a decent chunk of the Midwest. This is the reality […]

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Glyphosate Linked to Lower Birth Weight and More Intensive Care Cases in Study on US Mothers

Glyphosate Linked to Lower Birth Weight and More Intensive Care Cases in Study on US Mothers

From Sustainable Pulse Indiana University School of Medicine researchers are learning more about the effects of herbicide exposure during pregnancy, finding glyphosate in 99 percent of the pregnant women they observed in the Midwest. In the study, published recently in Environmental Health, higher glyphosate levels were associated with lower birth weight and may also lead to […]

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