The Case for Organic Food and Natural Medicine

The Case for Organic Food and Natural Medicine

From the Organic Consumers Association Don’t panic, eat organic. As OCA, and a growing number of nutritionists, medical practitioners, and healers never tire of pointing out, a major defense, and likely our best defense, against chronic disease (affecting now the majority of U.S. adults and children—four times the rate of 40 years ago), the flu, cancer, […]

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Pesticide Regulation: We Can Do Better

Pesticide Regulation: We Can Do Better

From Despite decades of research in the area of pesticides and human-health risks, gaps persist between usage, environmental damage, health impacts and state regulators (such as the EPA).  Pesticide applications involve many agencies and individuals stemming from farmers, ranchers, foresters, landscapers, groundskeepers, schools and from individuals in private homes.   As usage and reliance of […]

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Brain fog: the Tip of a Serious Health Iceberg

Brain fog: the Tip of a Serious Health Iceberg

From ANH-International Last week saw over 100 national and international speakers, 500+ in-person delegates and over 2,000 virtual attendees gather for the 2nd World Congress of the World Council for Health and Médicos Pela Vida in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The congress was largely solution-based, focusing on where we find ourselves now with chronic COVID-19 and post-vaccination […]

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Natural Options for Depression

Natural Options for Depression

Depression rates are increasing, and drug treatments can be accompanied by scary side effects. The good news is there are natural ways of addressing depression. About 21 million adults—8.4 percent of the US population—have had at least one depressive episode in the last year. Rates of depression are increasing, especially among young people: for teens, […]

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Pesticides and the Microbiome

Pesticides and the Microbiome

From the Environmental Health Symposium The human microbiome, often referred to as the driver of human physiology, has crucial roles in many systems of the body:  stimulating immune system development and homeostasis, maintaining the integrity of the gut barrier,  retrieving otherwise inaccessible nutrients from the diet,  synthesizing essential vitamins and neurotransmitters,  altering the production of […]

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CDC Finally Tests for Glyphosate in Humans

CDC Finally Tests for Glyphosate in Humans

From Moms Across America Moms Across America is thrilled that the staff at the CDC have decided to follow through with important glyphosate testing. We commend their courage to address the reality of the contamination of glyphosate, despite any corporate pressure they may be experiencing. There are massive ramifications to finding (once again) that the […]

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How to Heal from the Ground Up

How to Heal from the Ground Up

Join us on a journey looking at how to achieve whole-person health, naturally. Today, we’re introducing a new series called Healing from the Ground Up. This series will demonstrate a different model of healthcare in which drugs and surgery are the last line of defense, rather than the first and only option. This model will […]

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