Life Expectancy Drops Again

Life Expectancy Drops Again

Troubling signs about the future of healthcare in this country show the urgent need to embrace regenerative health solutions. A new analysis found that US life expectancy has dropped for the second year in a row, by about six months in 2021, after falling by two years in 2020. This has driven overall US life […]

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Will The EPA Take Action to Prevent the Human Race from Becoming an Endangered Species?

Will The EPA Take Action to Prevent the Human Race from Becoming an Endangered Species?

From Moms Across America. On March 3, 2022, Moms Across America and a team of highly reputable scientists and experts met with the Pesticide Review Board of the US Environmental Protection Agency regarding the EPA’s review of glyphosate. The presenters intended to provide new evidence to support the revocation of glyphosate’s license.  The Moms Across […]

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Big Farms, Empty Food, Chronic Disease

Big Farms, Empty Food, Chronic Disease

Modern agriculture has made food plentiful and abundant—but not healthy. Half of the American population have chronic diseases, utilizing 86 percent of health care dollars. Oftentimes the blame is placed on those who are ill for their lifestyle choices. But the numbers tell a different story: as small farmers started getting squeezed out of food […]

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A Toxic Nightmare in New Orleans

A Toxic Nightmare in New Orleans

This Washington Post article highlights the importance of emphasizing regenerative health solutions, particularly for communities hit hardest by toxic exposures. We’re learning more and more how much chronic disease is less the result of individual lifestyle choices and more to do with exposures to the myriad toxins that permeate the modern world. When we talk […]

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More Reason to Worry About Plastic Pollution

More Reason to Worry About Plastic Pollution

New research shows that plastic waste creates a perfect breeding environment for disease-carrying mosquitoes. The ubiquity of plastics, particularly microplastics, and their effects on human health make this an issue of pressing public health concern, both in the developing world and in the industrialized world. Microplastics have been shown to accumulate in the lungs, increase […]

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EPA Overlooks Glyphosate and Roundup Ingredients’ Cancer, DNA Damage, and Multigenerational Effects

EPA Overlooks Glyphosate and Roundup Ingredients’ Cancer, DNA Damage, and Multigenerational Effects

From Beyond Pesticides Glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) like Roundup® induce DNA damage and alter biological mechanisms (gene regulatory microRNAs [miRNAs or miRs]) associated with cancer development. According to the study published in Toxicological Sciences, DNA damage mainly occurs through oxidative stress from GBH exposure. Moreover, DNA damage and other biological mechanisms that cause carcinogenicity (cancer) […]

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Artificial Sweeteners Linked With a 13% Higher Risk of Cancer

Artificial Sweeteners Linked With a 13% Higher Risk of Cancer

From Medical News Today A large new observational study has found an association between the consumption of artificial sweeteners, particularly aspartame and acesulfame-K, and cancer. The study found a 13% higher risk of cancer in general, with the highest likelihood of developing breast cancer and cancers related to obesity, for people consuming large quantities of artificial sweeteners. The […]

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Wave Genetics and Quantum Medicine

Wave Genetics and Quantum Medicine

The article has been edited by Roger Meacock BVSc MRCVS and Melissa Smith.Rob Verkerk PhD has provided an introduction. Introduction to quantum medicine Quantum medicine, sometimes also referred to as informational or frequency medicine, is itself a huge and burgeoning field that uses lessons learned from quantum physics to deliver highly advanced diagnostics often as […]

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More Deadly than COVID?

More Deadly than COVID?

COVID has been treated as a national health emergency, but what about the chronic disease epidemic? A recent New York Times article highlights the devastating impact the COVID pandemic has had on people with diabetes, with 30-40 percent of all COVID deaths occurring among people with the disease. Diabetes impairs the immune system but also […]

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