Will Congress Halt FDA’s NAC Attack?

Will Congress Halt FDA’s NAC Attack?

The FDA’s recent actions against a critical supplement have spurred some in Congress to action. We must build more support on Capitol Hill to protect access. Over the last few months, we’ve been telling you about the FDA’s attack against N-acetylcysteine (NAC), an important antioxidant supplement. We believe the FDA is clearing the market of […]

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Pressure Congress on Homeopathy

Pressure Congress on Homeopathy

We’ve been telling you over the last few years about the recent FDA guidance that threatens the future of homeopathic medicines in the US. Upending decades of safe regulation, FDA released a draft guidance in 2017 that essentially stated that all homeopathic drugs are illegal. ANH-USA, our friends at Americans for Homeopathy Choice, and other […]

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Dr. Mercola Works To Stop COVID Cold

Dr. Mercola Works To Stop COVID Cold

Be sure to take his quiz to assess your risk level. Famed natural health expert Joseph Mercola, DO has teamed up with a group of other experts to launch a new initiative, Stop COVID Cold. It includes a detailed and informative report about the benefits of vitamin D and other natural supplements for boosting immunity […]

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They’re Causing Asthma: Does the EPA Care?

They’re Causing Asthma: Does the EPA Care?

Large factory farms are spewing toxic gases into the air that are causing human health problems, but the EPA refuses to act. Imagine stepping onto your front porch to enjoy your morning coffee, but instead of fresh air and sunshine you’re met with an overpowering stench of the manure and filth from thousands of confined […]

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