Hard Cover Book

Hard Cover Book

Eu mazim fabellas insolens pri, sed eu utamur nominavi. Mei tacimates suscipiantur et, pri an iudico voluptatum philosophia. Pri an aperiri aliquid civibus, aliquando assentior duo et, amet graeco appareat quo cu. Nec imperdiet similique ad, eros accumsan te eum. Te malis congue habemus nec, ius ut vocent tibique. Vix eu latine integre sententiae, quot […]

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Glass Bottle

Glass Bottle

Deleniti definitionem te mei, ad prima labitur sit. Urbanitas instructior ne eos. Diam ullum tincidunt no sed. Dicit omnium scripserit cum ex, mucius definitionem his ei. Vis ignota torquatos ad, fabulas epicuri vel no, falli oportere evertitur id quo. Vis an primis sanctus, cu possit accumsan vituperatoribus pro. No nostrud definitiones vel. Laudem nominati ut […]

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Ticking Clock

Ticking Clock

Cu diam fuisset cum, mea ex idque intellegebat, agam option timeam sit in. Eu quidam eruditi vix. Nemore utroque accusata no vis, usu id labore incorrupte. Ius ea debet deleniti accusamus. Usu quem case graeco et, id ceteros oporteat vivendum per. Meis graecis incorrupte ex pro, usu id altera saperet constituam. In alia iisque cum, […]

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Secretive Trade Group Moving Against Natural Medicine?

Secretive Trade Group Moving Against Natural Medicine?

The Federation of State Medical Boards is actually an entirely private trade group that seems to exist to thwart competition. State-based Action Alerts!  For many months, we’ve been following the FDA’s war on natural medicine. The agency has been eliminating natural ingredients from the list of substances from which pharmacies can make customized medicines, such […]

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Histamine intolerance: A new way of looking at allergies (Ronald Hoffman, MD)

Histamine intolerance: A new way of looking at allergies (Ronald Hoffman, MD)

By Ronald Hoffman, MD Do you have allergies? Sneezing, wheezing, burning eyes, or flushing, itchy skin with hives? Do certain foods trigger stomach cramps or diarrhea? Or do you suffer from frequent headaches or migraines, bouts of nausea, severe menstrual cramps, or panic attacks characterized by a racing heart? You’ve dutifully tried allergy shots—sometimes for […]

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FDA Death Meter

FDA Death Meter

How many deaths is the FDA responsible for? Our new interactive tool can provide you with a good estimate. Action Alert! The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for all of the following: Approving unsafe drugs that kill hundreds of thousands of people, and make millions more sick. Hiding or blocking clinical trials that […]

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Action Alert: Reform the FDA

Action Alert: Reform the FDA

Trouble Taking Action? Click here. [advanced_iframe securitykey=”6e57147c0272690f2f93432c343c720bbd534446″ src=”http://aahf.convio.net/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=2945″ id=”iframe2945″ name=”iframe2945″ width=”100%” height=”1500″ ]

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Green Medicine Free Copy

Have you heard? Dr. Wright has a new monthly newsletter, and wants to share the good news with a free issue! ———————————– Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.’s Green Medicine is dedicated to helping you keep yourself and your family healthy by the safest and most effective means possible. This is the only newsletter where you can get […]

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