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Do Nothing and Cede Health Sovereignty to the WHO

Do Nothing and Cede Health Sovereignty to the WHO
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From ANH-International

In the wake of the COVID crisis, it seems many have a sense that things are getting back to some kind of pre-COVID-normal. Far from it. As our minds are being fed hypnotic news, ads and disasters, the sharp claws of a growing totalitarian monster are grasping our freedoms, one by one. Our freedom to speak freely, move freely, and choose freely. Freedoms that are prerequisites of individual – and national – sovereignty, concepts that we’re being urged by our global masters to disregard.  

Do you recall the threatening Pandemic Treaty that is being cooked up by the World Health Organization (WHO), along with the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that we discussed here a few months back? Maybe you thought that was all just a bad dream, one now forgotten? Sadly, it’s real life – and it involves the incarnation of a new international Treaty, replete with all its associated amendments that’s inching ever closer to the finish line. One that will be crossed when the draft accord is presented for approval at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. If this goes through (something that’s viewed by most pundits as being highly likely), it will represent a historic moment when ultimate control over our bodily and national sovereignties was ceded to a non-profit international organization based in Switzerland, one called the World Health Organization.  

Where are we now?

As we write this, the United Nations (UN) is holding a High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR) at which, representatives from different countries will be signing and endorsing a Declaration (which can be read in full here). This will be a ‘silent’ procedure, which means any States that do not respond will automatically be deemed to support the Declaration.

Eleven countries, including Bolivia, Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, have formally objected to the declaration, ‘breaking the silence’ in a letter to the UN president. The letter states these nations’ concerns for the “unacceptable way in which this situation unfolded, running in clear contradiction with the spirit of multilateralism and the overall goal of ‘leaving no one behind’”.

The main aims of the Declaration, disguised under what David Bell, former WHO medical officer and scientist, describes as thirteen pages of “trigger words, slogans and propaganda themes” are, as you might have guessed, about backing up the proposed IHR amendments and Treaty. There’s also the small matter of a humble request for an additional $10 billion dollars per year that is argued to be a necessary top-up to support the Pandemic Fund.

Read the full story.

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