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Do you want GMO foods to be labeled in YOUR state? If so, act now!

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Dear Supporter:
On November 6, Californians will vote on Prop 37, which would require all genetically modified foods to be clearly labeled. That’s terrific—but Prop 37 will benefit you even if you don’t live in California! That’s why we need your help.

If Prop 37 passes in California,
GMO foods could be labeled in YOUR state
much sooner than you thought possible!


  • If GMO labels are required in California, it’s extremely likely that many nationwide food companies will use the same GMO-labeled packaging in all states.
  • The passage of Prop 37 could create a “domino effect,” with other states following California’s example to put the GMO labeling issue on their own state ballots.

The Big Food companies know the country is watching, and they have contributed more than $32 million to defeat this vital initiative. We can’t let that happen—we need you to help pass Prop 37.

We need your help to purchase airtime
in California for a truthful and hard-hitting ad
which the Right to Know Campaign has crafted
to keep the GMO labeling issue in front of voters!

Click here to watch the ad.

  • $20 buys a spot on CNN in El Centro.
  • $220 places an ad on the air in Sacramento during Anderson Cooper 360.
  • $900 puts our message in front of all major evening news viewers in San Diego.
  • $6,000 is enough to buy airtime during all late night news shows in the Los Angeles area!

By now, you’ve seen the studies and heard the news: GMO foods are dangerous.

Help get Prop 37 passed—and your family will benefit!

Please make a donation today!
Gretchen DuBeau
Executive and Legal Director

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