Are you suffering with chronic pain or pressure over your bladder? Do you feel like you have to pee frequently, usually in small amounts? Do you feel like you have a urinary tract infection, but when you get tested, it’s negative? Painful intercourse?
More than 4 million women suffer with these symptoms of interstitial cystitis, so you are not alone.
Many women do get improvement in their interstitial cystitis with:
-Dietary changes
-Bladder training
-Physical Therapy
-Anti-inflammatories (Aleve, Motrin and others); Anti-histamines (Claritin and others); Tricyclic Antidepressants
-Pentosan (Elmiron) which specifically treats IC, but may take up to 6 months to see improvement
Some have even gone above and beyond in treatment:
–Bladder distention (inserting a catheter into the bladder and stretching it water or gas)
–Bladder instillation (inserting a catheter into the bladder and placing a medication or combination of medicines for approximately 15 minutes)
Dr. Rebecca Boyd- Relieve Bladder Pain Now!