A Woman’s Right To Choose Bio-Identical Estriol
![]() | Access to Estriol Individualized medicine allows a practitioner to develop patient-specific strategies based on an individual’s composition to better prevent, diagnose, and treat health conditions. The current mainstream medical model is a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. ANH-USA has been a strong advocate for individualized medicine – which is the cornerstone of an ‘integrative medical model’ where an individual’s whole body is assessed. Read More>> |
Compounding Medicine, Bio-identical Hormones, and Synthetic Hormones Timeline Dangerous side effects Of FDA-approved hormone therapies Estriol Research Bio-identical hormones studies | |
********Action Alerts For This Campaign******** | |
![]() | Tell the Senate HELP Committee: “Protect My Access to Compounded Medications!” Ask the committee members to strike the extreme language in this bill that has nothing whatsoever to do with safety. Read More>> Save Bio-Identical Hormones On January 9, 2008, the FDA sent numerous pharmacies, large and small, an order to stop using Estriol, and the term “bio-identical” in their hormone replacement formulas. This was an unprecedented attack on compounders, patients and physicians because until then NO compounded drug component with a USP monograph had been withdrawn from circulation unless there was evidence of harm to patients. Yet that is what the FDA did! If they can do it to Estriol, they can do it to anything they wish to! The FDA admitted in their press conference that there is no evidence of harm to any patient from the use of Estriol in compounds. It has been used since 1980, is available throughout the world in numerous prescription compounds approved by other nations’ FDAs, and there is even an investigational new drug application, approved by the FDA, that uses much higher doses of Estriol than is used in any Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy formula. Tell Congressman Markey His New FDA Legislation is Unnecessary and Burdensome! Rep. Markey needs to understand his legislation is both superfluous and harmful. FDA can already move against compounding pharmacies that engage in activities more akin to drug manufacturing—as it appears was the case with the New England Compounding Center. Giving FDA greater authority won’t address the agency’s lack of resources and its inability to carry out its current mandate. Send your message to Rep. Markey now! Read More>> |
Read More About A Woman’s Right To Choose Bio-Identical Estriol: | |
Courts Rule that Prempro Causes Cancer, but FDA Still Promotes It | |
![]() | December 13, 2011 Despite large pay outs to victims, Pfizer keeps selling the hormone replacement drug and the government keeps trying to make sure there’s no competition from the natural alternative! Read More>> |
Bioidentical Estriol Still Under Threat | |
![]() | October 26, 2010 Nurses in Oregon may soon lose their ability to prescribe estriol, the safe and effective bioidentical estrogen hormone. Meanwhile, an FDA-approved menopause drug is killing women at twice the usual mortality rate. Read More>> |
Compounding Medicine – Victory | |
![]() | September 30, 2009 U.S. District Court Judge Robert Junell ruled on August 30 that “it is in the best interest of public health” to uphold the legality of compounded drugs. In the past, FDA had proposed that, even though it is impossible to do so, compounded medicines must meet the same new drug requirements to which mass produced, one-size-fits-all, manufactured products are subjected and that compounded medicines are illegal unless they do so. Ten pharmacies took the FDA to court in 2004 on the grounds that this theory was incorrect. Read More>> |
More News from the Women’s Health Initiative—Synthetic, Prescription HRT Shrinks the Brain | |
![]() | January 27, 2009 Two studies from the arm of the WHI Study that favors using synthetic hormone replacement therapy by prescription have been published in the January 13 issue of Neurology. The studes sought to understand what is behind the increased risk of stroke, dementia, and memory problems in women over 65 who use synthetic HRT. Read More>> |
A Definitive Link between Synthetic Hormones for Menopause and Breast Cancer | |
December 23, 2008 A new analysis of the Women’s Health Initiative has yielded devastating evidence that taking synthetic hormone replacement therapy for five years doubles the risk of breast cancer. Even women who took Premarin and progestin (in the combination known as Prempro) for as little as two years had a greater chance of developing breast cancer. Their odds returned to normal after they had been off synthetic hormone replacement therapy for about two years. Read More>> | |
FDA Simplifies A Process – Or Is Trying To Kill It | |
![]() | August 12, 2008 AAHF is committed to helping to save estriol for patients. While the FDA is careful to say that it is not “banning” estriol, they are making the process of prescribing estriol extremely difficult. Furthermore, they have been attacking compounding pharmacists and have given an order to stop using estriol, and the term “bio-identical” in their hormone replacement formulas. Read More>> |
A New Week, a New Tack by the FDA | |
![]() | June 23, 2008 The latest attack on bio-identical hormones comes from FDA staffers telling Congress that even though estriol is the weakest estrogen, it is being prescribed to women in “mega dosages.” They are saying that this makes it potentially harmful, which is why they are insisting on doctors having to file an IND (investigational new drug) application. Read More>> |
Strike While the Iron is Hot! | |
![]() | June 2, 2008 The FDA attack on bio-identical hormones therapy, seemingly in conjuncture with Wyeth Pharmaceutical, has mobilized the health freedom community. Read More>> |
Estriol Resolution | |
![]() | May 12, 2008 On January 9, 2008, the FDA sent numerous pharmacies, large and small, an order to stop using Estriol, and the term “bio-identical” in their hormone replacement formulas. This was an unprecedented attack on compounders, patients and physicians because until then NO compounded drug component with a USP monograph had been withdrawn from circulation unless there had been evidence of harm to patients. This week, the U.S. Congress is taking a key first step toward reigning in the FDA’s astounding actions against women’s health and we need your support! Read More>> |