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Have You Signed Our FreeSpeech4Health Petition?

Have You Signed Our FreeSpeech4Health Petition?
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Our campaign to hold Big Tech accountable for censorship and shadowbans has kicked off. We need your help to get as many petition signatures as we possibly can! Action Alert!

ANH-USA and a growing list of supporters are teaming up to take on Big Tech censorship that limits the health information you can access online. Sign the petition today and join us in demanding free speech and transparency!

Information that could improve your health is being hidden from you. Big Tech censorship of health information online is undermining our fundamental civil liberties, threatening our ability to think critically, discover truth, reject falsehoods, and engage with diverse viewpoints.

That’s why we’re launching our FreeSpeech4Health campaign. We’re aiming to get at least one million signatures globally, calling on Alphabet, YouTube’s parent company, to change YouTube’s medical misinformation policy that now disallows or suppresses any health or medical content that isn’t in agreement with health authorities like the National Institutes of Health in the US or the World Health Organization (WHO). 

So head over to our main campaign page, sign the petition, and share it widely. We’re also sharing below one-pagers that give a quick description of the campaign – please share this far and wide as well!

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