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HSA Upgrade

HSA Upgrade
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Help us fight for expanded Health Savings accounts. Action Alert!

For many years, ANH-USA has supported efforts that would allow Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Saving Account (FSA) funds to pay for dietary supplements. Federal bills including this reform have been introduced in 2011, 2013, 2017, and 2019, but have not yet passed. Congressman Buddy Carter (GA-1) is taking the initiative by petitioning the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to allow Americans to use HSA, FSA, and Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) funds to cover the cost of dietary supplements that carry FDA-approved health claims or structure/function claims.

The “or” in that sentence is important; the FDA is extremely restrictive in the health claims it approves for supplements, but structure/function claims do not require pre-approval. Structure/function claims describe the role of a nutrient in affecting the normal structure or function of the human body (e.g., “calcium builds strong bones” and “fiber maintains bowel regularity.”

HSAs allow consumers to pay for current health care expenses and save for future expenses. They offer a number of advantages. First, HSA contributions are tax-deductible. Second, the interest earned on money in the account is tax-free. Third, tax-free withdrawals can be made for qualified medical expenses. HSAs are also a good way to put money aside for health expenses later in life, when these costs may increase.

Allowing HSAs, FSAs, and HRAs to cover the cost of dietary supplements will expand consumer access to products that can make us healthier. We must urge our members of the House of Representatives to join Rep. Carter in petitioning the IRS for this change.

Action Alert! Write to your member of the House and urge them to support Rep. Carter’s efforts to expand HSAs, FSAs and HRAs. Please send your message immediately.

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