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Is Bayer Behind a Hit List of Organic & Natural Health Advocates?

Is Bayer Behind a Hit List of Organic & Natural Health Advocates?
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From Organic Consumers Association

That possibility occurred to us when, despite our reticence and self-censorship, the Organic Consumers Association was put on a hit list of vaccine safety advocates known as the “Disinformation Dozen.”

We noticed that Voices for Vaccines was one of the pharmaceutical front-groups that’s been circulating the hit list and that it is a project of the Task Force for Global Health, which is funded by vaccine and pharmaceutical companies―including Bayer.

We might be mainly concerned with Bayer’s agribusiness interests, but we can’t forget that it is also a vaccine company.

Bayer will be manufacturing 160 million doses of CureVac’s mRNA-based vaccine candidate CVnCoV in 2022. The agreement between Bayer and CureVac also covers potential SARS-CoV-2 variants. GlaxoSmithKline is in on the deal, too.

Is this why Monsanto’s favorite trolls are working overtime looking for COVID-related ways to smear their opponents?

Recently, Monsanto troll Mary Mangan has been targeting the Organic Consumers Association’s investigations into the origins of COVID-19.

It never occurred to us that Bayer would be concerned about our campaign to ban gain-of-function experiments on potential pandemic pathogens, but it turns out they could be impacted by it.

Read the full article.

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