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Major League Sports Pushes to End Supplement Freedom

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Please Let the Sports Leagues and Franchises Know How You Feel About This Attack on Your Freedom of Supplement Choice!

Last week we asked you to contact your senators and tell them not to co-sponsor but instead oppose Senator McCain’s recently introduced stopDietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA). Thank you to the large numbers who have already taken action.
For those of you who have not yet contacted your senators, please take action now.
It is now time to let Big Sports know how we feel as well. If they know that they may lose customers by interfering with your right to choose supplements, it will make them think twice. Especially if you are a sports fan, please contact your local baseball and football teams, in addition to major league baseball commissioner Bud Selig and national football league commissioner Roger Goodell, and let them know that you do not appreciate the meddling with your life that DSSA represents.
The background: The USADA (United States Anti Doping Agency funded by professional sports), major league baseball, major league football, and other sports associations have formed “Supplement Safety Now”. This is pulling many of the strings behind DSSA. Why? Because DSSA provides a convenient diversion from the sports industry’s inability to police their players and effectively test for steroid abuse. This may be convenient for Big Sports but is likely to result in many fewer supplements at much lower doses to choose from. It will also create unnecessary, expensive, duplicative, and burdensome regulatory requirements that have nothing to do with illegal steroids.
Click here to tell major league baseball commissioner Bud Selig and national football league commissioner Roger Goodell to stop threatening your access to dietary supplements.
Please also contact your local sports teams. You will find a list with the contact details of all NFL and MLB teams here. Tell them to tend to their own industries and stay out of your life.
For more information about DSSA, click here.

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