Junk Food and Junk Advice

Junk Food and Junk Advice

When you need advice on nutrition and diet, do you want it to come only from nutrition professionals backed by Big Food? Action Alerts! THE TOPLINE Food and diet are foundational to a healthy, vibrant lifestyle, but it can be difficult to break old habits and start better ones. That’s why many Americans turn to […]

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Durbin Strikes Back

Durbin Strikes Back

After we defeated his anti-supplement bill in 2022, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is trying to do the same thing again. Let’s make sure he doesn’t succeed. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE It’s time, once again, to defend our supplement access in the face of an FDA / Big Pharma / Sen. Durbin onslaught. We’ve done it […]

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CBD Under Siege

CBD Under Siege

Years after the feds legalized hemp, the ax is still dangling over CBD supplements despite ongoing, exciting research into all of CBD’s health benefits. We need to protect access NOW! Action Alert! THE TOPLINE We are only beginning to understand the array of benefits CBD and other cannabinoids can have on human health, but the […]

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FDA Closes in on Your Supplements

FDA Closes in on Your Supplements

The agency recently made a big announcement about a regulation that could eliminate 41,700 products from the market. We need to keep up the pressure to protect access. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE A few weeks ago, we reported that 2024 could be the year the FDA finally publishes the final version of its natural product-destroying […]

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Will Congress Recognize that Food is Medicine?

Will Congress Recognize that Food is Medicine?

Two recent studies provide further evidence for the ancient maxim “Let food be thy medicine.” It’s time for Congress to take concrete steps towards recognizing the truth in those words. Action Alert! The studies, one from Tufts University and a second from the Public Health Institute (PHI), found substantial health and economic benefits from using […]

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Shining Light into the Shadowbans

Shining Light into the Shadowbans

This was adapted from an ANH-International article. See the original. We no longer live in a world that values freedom of speech and freedom of expression. This makes it even harder to know how the information we do receive is being controlled by the world’s new information puppet masters. For many people, “shadowbanning”–a little-recognized, insidious […]

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