FDA Launches Homeopathy Broadside

FDA Launches Homeopathy Broadside

As we predicted, the agency has targeted the next group of homeopathic products for elimination. Action Alert! The FDA is pressing forward in its plan to win its century long battle to eliminate homeopathic products from the medicine cabinets of Americans—a battle that was started with the Flexner report of 1910. The agency sent warning […]

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FDA Targets Peptides

FDA Targets Peptides

Peptides represent an exciting and rapidly developing new frontier in disease treatment and prevention as well as anti-aging, so naturally the FDA is swooping in…to make sure Big Pharma has a monopoly. Action Alert! Do you want to increase your lifespan by 30 percent? Heal from injuries that conventional medicine has no answers for? Investigations […]

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FDA Worsens Fertility Crisis

FDA Worsens Fertility Crisis

A key compound that can help address fertility issues faces an FDA ban. We must stop it. Action Alert! Are you, or is someone you know, trying to start a family but having real difficulty? You’re/They’re not alone. We’re facing a massive crisis in fertility, affecting both men and women. Research has shown, for example, […]

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The End of Obesity?

The End of Obesity?

From Ronald Hoffman, MD – ANH-USA Board President and Medical Director Obesity is one of the most daunting health challenges America faces. Nationally, 41.6% of Americans qualify as obese; in the 1950s only 10% were obese. Rates are also soaring among children and adolescents, with nearly 20% of U.S. children ages 2 to 19 having […]

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FTC “Clarifies” How It Will Censor Supplement Claims

FTC “Clarifies” How It Will Censor Supplement Claims

While the FTC appears to have backtracked slightly on its draconian campaign to censor supplement health claims, it is really a classic example of doublespeak. Action Alert! The FTC is working to conceal the remarkable truth about the healing and disease-preventing powers of foods and nutrients. This is only good if you’re a drug company […]

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Why Aren’t They Telling Us What’s Making Us Sick?

Why Aren’t They Telling Us What’s Making Us Sick?

Microplastics, synthetic chemicals like “forever” chemicals, and digital electromagnetic fields (EMF) saturate the world, but lawmakers seem content to let us be the guinea pigs as scientists sound the alarm about the dangers of these exposures. Action Alerts! A recent opinion piece in the New York Times, “Our Way of Life is Poisoning Us,” correctly […]

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Is Your Fish Oil Worthless?

Is Your Fish Oil Worthless?

Of course not, but that doesn’t stop the pharma-backed hit pieces from attacking this critical supplement. Action Alert! Did you know that one person dies every 33 seconds from cardiovascular disease? It is a public health outrage that such a preventable disease is the leading cause of death in the US, but rather than help […]

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The Dark Side of the Great 5G Experiment Exposed

The Dark Side of the Great 5G Experiment Exposed

5G networks are being deployed on a major scale as corporates gear up for the Internet of Things (IoT), despite a lack of safety testing and a growing body of evidence suggesting harm. Action Alert! A review recently published in the journal Environmental Research, led by Linda Birnbaum, PhD, the former director of the National Institute […]

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FDA Bucks Congress on Anti-Aging Supplement

FDA Bucks Congress on Anti-Aging Supplement

The agency once again signaled its determination to pursue a ban on nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a key supplement that can help turn back the clock on degenerative disease. Action Alert! While many may have given up on finding the mythical “Fountain of Youth,” emerging science is showing us strategies that can be used to help […]

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FDA’s Lab Test Power-Grab Continues

FDA’s Lab Test Power-Grab Continues

More FDA protectionism that works against patient interests. Action Alert! The FDA has announced its intent to issue a proposed rule this coming August that would extend the agency’s power over laboratory developed tests (LDTs). This is a critical threat, as LDTs are crucial tools used in personalized medicine because labs can create custom diagnostic […]

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