Anti-Supplement Bill Resurrected

Anti-Supplement Bill Resurrected

After we defeated his anti-supplement bill in 2022, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is trying to do the same thing again. Let’s make sure he doesn’t succeed. Action Alert! Editor’s Note: We’re republishing our article from March of this year because Sen. Durbin has just re-introduced his anti-supplement bill requiring mandatory product listing for all dietary supplements. […]

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Cronies in Congress Target CBD, Hemp Oil

Cronies in Congress Target CBD, Hemp Oil

A pro-Big Pharma, anti-natural medicine policy is moving forward in the halls of Congress. We must act now to stop it and preserve access to critical CBD and other natural medicines. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE It’s a shame. You’d think it would be a good thing if […]

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The Power of the ‘Safety First’ Ideology

The Power of the ‘Safety First’ Ideology

How modern authoritarianism preys on our perceived need for “safety” and uses censorship to shape our view of the world. Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE The dawn of a new form of authoritarianism is upon us, but it is markedly different from its predecessors. This softer, more insidious authoritarianism doesn’t […]

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Bugging Out: Let’s Get Probiotics off the FDA’s Chopping Block!

Bugging Out: Let’s Get Probiotics off the FDA’s Chopping Block!

FDA rules put the future of probiotic supplements in jeopardy. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE In recent years, probiotics have gained significant attention for their potential health benefits, offering a promising alternative to conventional medicine for various conditions. However, the FDA is threatening the future of these beneficial […]

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Historic Ruling Limits FDA Authority

Historic Ruling Limits FDA Authority

The Supreme Court has acted to rein in the powers of the FDA and other federal agencies. What does this mean for natural health? THE TOPLINE Just days before the 4th of July, the Supreme Court has delivered a ruling that will weaken the powers of the administrative state and let freedom ring, probably for […]

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Out with Synthetic Additives!

Out with Synthetic Additives!

Help us clean up our nation’s food supply. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE Our nation is plagued by an epidemic of preventable, chronic illnesses, and it’s time to stop pretending that drugs and potions made by Big Pharma can take us out of this tailspin. We need to address the root causes of the problem, one […]

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What Happened With the WHO?

What Happened With the WHO?

What you need to know about the recent World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE For many months now, we’ve been reporting on developments at the supra-national level that will determine how countries respond to the next pandemic. There are two separate processes: amendments to […]

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FDA Fail Leaves Patients in the Lurch

FDA Fail Leaves Patients in the Lurch

A look at the implications of a key court case that could have major consequences for the public’s ability to hold drug companies accountable. THE TOPLINE Imagine taking a medication that promises to protect your bones, only to discover that it causes them to break out of nowhere. For thousands of patients, this nightmare became […]

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New Attack on Supplements in the Works

New Attack on Supplements in the Works

A new bill would give the FDA more power to ban supplements you rely on. We must stand against it. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE Your ability to access a wide range of innovative and efficacious supplements is being threatened by two initiatives in Congress. If it wasn’t […]

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