Is Big Food Banking on Synbio for its Future?

Is Big Food Banking on Synbio for its Future?

We’re entering a brave new world of food, one that has profound consequences for our ability to stay healthy by consuming unadulterated or non-genetically altered foods. THE TOPLINE Is the grass really greener on the other side? There is a growing movement that seeks to override millennia of evolution and supposedly improve upon Nature through […]

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Feds Open Pandora’s Box

Feds Open Pandora’s Box

Are you concerned that genetic experiments on our food supply might endanger human and planetary health? So are we—and that’s why we must take action to derail the feds’ latest plan. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article. THE TOPLINE Are you worried that there aren’t enough GE foods, or that it […]

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Poisoned Produce

Poisoned Produce

How government agencies meant to protect the public are utterly failing to keep our food safe and contaminant-free. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE In our busy lives, it’s hard to always eat fresh, healthy foods. When we take the time to cook meals with lots of fruits and […]

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FDA Opens Floodgates to Gen2 Frankenfoods

FDA Opens Floodgates to Gen2 Frankenfoods

The agency has released “guidance” to the biotech industry about how to get foods from gene-edited (GE) plants onto your dinner plate, doubling down on bad policies that treat GE foods the same as any other type of food—even though they are anything but. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE Does it matter to you how the […]

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Frankenfoods v2: Exploiting the Bioequivalence Principle

Frankenfoods v2: Exploiting the Bioequivalence Principle

Powerful forces are trying to shift our food system away from the soil-based farming systems and towards genetically engineered, lab-grown food. We can’t let them succeed. THE TOPLINE Got Milk GE-yeast-fermented-whey-protein drink? You may have heard about the new “animal-free dairy milk” called Bored Cow. It’s being billed as a more animal and environmentally friendly […]

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