New Organic Label on the Way

New Organic Label on the Way

There is a new show in town separate from the government’s big food influenced and increasingly corrupt organic program. From EcoWatch: On Wednesday, the Rodale Institute unveiled draft standards for a new Regenerative Organic Certification, developed by Rodale and a coalition of farmers, ranchers, nonprofits, scientists and brands. When finalized, the certification will go “beyond organic” by establishing […]

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The Emerging Sperm Count Crisis

The Emerging Sperm Count Crisis

If sperm counts continue declining at the current rate, humans could become extinct. Analyzing nearly 200 studies, researchers have found that the sperm counts in men across North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand have halved in less than forty years. The study found that the decline in men’s sperm counts may also be accelerating. […]

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Science, the Monsanto Way

Science, the Monsanto Way

That way appears to be deception, obfuscation, and cronyism. We’ve been telling you about a court case against Monsanto in which the plaintiffs allege that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the Roundup herbicide, causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Documents in the case, including email messages, are now being made public, demonstrating how far Monsanto will go make […]

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Nourishing Food Requires Soil

Nourishing Food Requires Soil

Help us protect real, organic food! Action Alert! You may be buying produce that was not even grown in soil. In other words, when you think you’re purchasing a nutrient-rich meal, you may be paying for produce from a process that actually denies them those very nutrients. Recently, an ANH-USA staff member ordered a salad […]

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Frankencitrus Coming to a Store Near You?

Frankencitrus Coming to a Store Near You?

A new ruling is expected to pave the way for genetically modified citrus to enter your local stores—but a loophole allows the food industry to keep you in the dark about the nature of the fruit you’re purchasing. The Animal Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS) is getting ready to do an environmental impact statement […]

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Guilty: Monsanto, Global Villain

Guilty: Monsanto, Global Villain

The international community delivered a blow to our government’s buddy, Monsanto. Will federal government cronies listen? The International Monsanto Tribunal in the Hague, Netherlands, is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide. Last October, eminent judges heard testimonies from victims. Last week, […]

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A Real Solution to Feeding the World: Family Farms

A Real Solution to Feeding the World: Family Farms

Industry says we need conventional/GMO farming to feed the world. Here’s why they’re wrong. David Montgomery, PhD, professor of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington, recently pointed out that regenerative farming practices that restore fertility to soil will be the key to the future of agriculture. Consider these facts: Family farms produce […]

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Pregnant? Avoid Glyphosate

Pregnant? Avoid Glyphosate

New research shows a strong link between glyphosate levels in bodily fluids of expectant mothers and unfavorable birth outcomes, including shorter pregnancies. Babies born from mothers with glyphosate in their system tended to weigh less. It’s also linked to many chronic health issues like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Glyphosate exposure occurs […]

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