Natural Products Championed in Congress

Natural Products Championed in Congress

Tell your legislators that we need legislation that will increase consumer access to natural products. Action Alert! In the last Congress, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) introduced a bill that would allow Health Savings Account (HSA) funds to go toward dietary supplements without having to get a doctor’s prescription; the same would apply to […]

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Feds Tighten Grip on US Medicine

Feds Tighten Grip on US Medicine

New rules for physician payments through Medicare went into effect on January 1. Here’s what you need to know. In 2015, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) was signed into law. The legislation called for significant changes to how physicians are paid for treating Medicare patients. It repealed the Sustainable Growth Rate formula […]

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Another Alzheimer’s Drug a Huge Flop

Another Alzheimer’s Drug a Huge Flop

Meanwhile, the FDA won’t stop trying to eliminate brain health supplements. We think they want to clear the field for when they finally do approve a drug. Two years ago we reported that Eli Lilly had a potential blockbuster drug for Alzheimer’s in the third and final phase of FDA trials. If it won approval, […]

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Now Serving: Parkinson’s and Liver Disease

Now Serving: Parkinson’s and Liver Disease

Do you want this stuff on your dinner plate? Action Alert! Researchers have conducted a groundbreaking new study that shows a link between Roundup and severe liver damage. The study found that Roundup administered to rats at extremely low doses caused non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) over two years. NAFLD can lead to cirrhosis, and […]

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Men: Low Testosterone Means Much More than Just Low Testosterone

Men: Low Testosterone Means Much More than Just Low Testosterone

Testosterone levels in younger men have been declining for the last several decades. Declining levels of key nutrients in our food is one significant reason; the other is the abundance of toxic chemicals we encounter every day. Natural treatments to increase “free” testosterone include therapies that help detoxify the body, and supplementation with vital nutrients […]

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Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

And why is the government against the obvious, natural solution? State-based Action Alert! In Flint, Michigan, tap water in residents’ homes contained astonishing levels of lead, as high as 104 parts per billion (ppb). The Environmental Protection Agency’s limit for lead in drinking water is 15 ppb, but there is no safe level of lead […]

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