Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease

Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease

A stunning study reveals the truth about statins. Action Alert! Research published in the journal Atherosclerosis concludes that statin use increases coronary plaques, which limit blood flow and can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Yes, you read that correctly. Statins, medicines meant to prevent cardiovascular disease, are actually causing it. It should be the […]

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FDA Feeling the Heat on Bioidentical Hormones

FDA Feeling the Heat on Bioidentical Hormones

Thanks to your activism, the FDA has agreed to study bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. But the threat to hormones still looms. Action Alert! For months now, we’ve been telling you about the FDA’s attack on estriol, progesterone, and other bioidentical hormones that are made for individual patients at specialized pharmacies. Now, thanks to the activism […]

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Drug Companies are Stealing from You

Drug Companies are Stealing from You

…with the help of the federal government and universities. Action Alert! The high cost of prescription drugs has recently made headlines, evidenced by price-gouging schemes that cause drug prices to skyrocket 5,000% (as in the case with the infamous Martin Shkreli and the drug Daraprim) or Mylan’s more recent price hike on EpiPen’s to over […]

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FDA Turned Your $10 Supplement into a $40,000 Drug

FDA Turned Your $10 Supplement into a $40,000 Drug

Help us ensure the supplement form remains available. Action Alert!  Earlier this year, we told you about an FDA back-channel that allows drug companies to turn supplements into drugs—and remove the supplement versions from the market. This has happened to a popular and medically important version of vitamin B6 (pyridoxamine), and with the FDA’s approval […]

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Qualified Victory for Natural Medicine

Qualified Victory for Natural Medicine

The FDA has dialed back a restrictive policy that would severely limit access to individualized natural medicines—but it’s not good enough. Action Alert! The FDA has released a revised draft policy relating to customized, natural medicines made at compounding pharmacies. This revised policy demonstrates that the FDA has listened to ANH members and other stakeholders, […]

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$32,500 for CBD Oil?

$32,500 for CBD Oil?

If we don’t change a key FDA policy, that’s how much you may be forced to pay if you want to purchase CBD oil. Action Alert! For years, consumers have benefitted from access to cheap, safe, and effective CBD oil supplements. But now the FDA says that CBD is a drug, not a supplement—a drug […]

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Can Homeopathy Be Saved?

Can Homeopathy Be Saved?

The FDA is threatening homeopathy’s future. Here’s how we can save it. Action Alert! The FDA has proposed a new policy for regulating homeopathy—a policy which is a direct threat to many, many homeopathic medicines. To fully protect consumer access to these treatments, we need Congress to pass a law. Congress and the FDA have […]

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FDA to Ban More Supplements?

FDA to Ban More Supplements?

An advisory committee is meeting to make recommendations to the FDA on whether or not to ban certain supplements from being made at specialized pharmacies. On September 12, the FDA’s advisory committee on compounded medicine—medicine made for individual patients at specialized pharmacies—will meet to discuss five ingredients: alpha lipoic acid, CoQ10, creatine monohydrate, pyridoxal 5 phosphate […]

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Will Supplements Be Regulated Along with Drugs?

Will Supplements Be Regulated Along with Drugs?

It’s music to the ears of the FDA—but terrible for consumers. We need to tell the administration: supplements under the law are food, not drugs! Action Alert! As we’ve been telling you, the Trump administration has proposed merging the food safety duties of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration […]

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