The Quiet Epidemic Wrecking Our Children’s Health

The Quiet Epidemic Wrecking Our Children’s Health

Two closely related autoimmune conditions are wreaking havoc with the health of many thousands of American kids, and conventional medicine has little to offer. The conditions are devastating not just for the affected kids, but also for their families. The conditions are called PANS and PANDAS, which stand for Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and […]

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The False Promise of Lab-Grown Meat

The False Promise of Lab-Grown Meat

Lab-grown, or cultured, meat is being heralded as an ethical, climate-saving alternative to traditional meat. But what if it isn’t safe, and what if its carbon footprint exceeds that of grass-fed animals? Read on and find out what the science is now showing us. It’s no longer science fiction, it’s here: the US government approved […]

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How to Spot Artificial Sweeteners Hiding in Your Food

How to Spot Artificial Sweeteners Hiding in Your Food

The FDA’s new “healthy” guidelines incentivize companies to hide dangerous artificial sweeteners in food. Action Alert! Recently, the World Health Organization released new guidelines warning against the use of artificial sweeteners for weight control, finding that long-term use of these sweeteners was linked with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and mortality in adults. That many […]

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Nutritional Outrages of the Week

Nutritional Outrages of the Week

From Ronald Hoffman, MD A trio of food stories caught my eye this week . . . Turning breakfast cereal into a bedtime snack: A problem for the food industry is that there are only a finite number of mouths available to eat breakfast. Demographically, the percentages of kids and teenagers are declining. Sales of breakfast […]

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Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies

Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies

Major shifts are, and have been, occurring in the supplement industry. Here’s how they could affect your access. Correction (11/28/2022): The infographic below detailing supplement companies owned by larger companies originally indicated Planet Paleo was owned by HGGC, which is incorrect. The company owned by HGGC is Paleo Planet. Over the last few decades, mega-corporations […]

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Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government

Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government

One of the most powerful groups that influences Americans’ eating decisions is dominated by junk food companies. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and its foundation “assist the food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and agribusiness industries through their large network of professionals and students, their lax internal policies on corporate partnerships and their topical position […]

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FDA’s ‘Healthy’ Failure

FDA’s ‘Healthy’ Failure

The FDA has proposed a revamped definition of what a “healthy” food is, and while there are some improvements, it shows that the federal government continues to get it wrong on nutrition. Action Alert! Under the old definition, processed yogurt packed with sugar could be called “healthy,” but salmon, eggs, and water could not! The […]

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