Whistleblowers Expose EPA Corruption

Whistleblowers Expose EPA Corruption

How senior Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials side with industry and expose us to dangerous, cancer-causing chemicals. EPA whistleblower allegations documented by The Intercept tell an astounding story of the lengths to which senior EPA officials go to ensure that chemicals, no matter how dangerous, get approved for use in the US despite warnings from […]

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The COVID Wildfire Link

The COVID Wildfire Link

Wildfires increase risk of serious reactions to COVID. Guest author Dr. Lyn Patrick explains what you can do about it. Content from the following article was previously published by the author as a Blog Series at: https://www.environmentalhealthsymposium.com/blog Smoke from wildfires blanketing the West Coast in the last two years have caused some of the planet’s worst air […]

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CAFOs Kill 17,000 a Year

CAFOs Kill 17,000 a Year

…by emitting harmful pollutants in the air while the EPA does nothing. Action Alert! A new study has linked air pollution emanating from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to more than 17,000 deaths in the United States. Despite this death toll, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given CAFOs a pass on adherence to federal […]

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The COVID Danger You Haven’t Heard About

The COVID Danger You Haven’t Heard About

Chemicals found in the disinfectants that are being used extensively during COVID could be undermining our health. Action Alert! Some researchers are raising the alarm about quaternary ammonium compounds, or quats, that are commonly found in the disinfectants, hand sanitizers, and sanitizing wipes being used by households and businesses to protect against the COVID-19 virus. […]

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EPA Makes Pandemic Worse

EPA Makes Pandemic Worse

By kowtowing to industry, agency actions increase the risk of death from the COVID-19 virus. Action Alert! A recent Harvard study found that a small increase in soot air pollution is associated with a 15% increase in the COVID-19 death rate. Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced they are waving multiple environmental laws that reduce […]

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Drinking Water Contaminated With Deadly “Forever” Chemicals?

Drinking Water Contaminated With Deadly “Forever” Chemicals?

A new analysis shows US water systems are widely contaminated with “forever chemicals,” but the EPA isn’t doing anything about it. Action Alert! A recent analysis from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that America’s drinking water is extensively contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. Despite the extent of the contamination and the […]

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The Great Diabetes Lie

The Great Diabetes Lie

Many of us are told that the development of diabetes is a personal failure. New research shows us why this couldn’t be more wrong. Action Alert! Intriguing research into the diabetes epidemic has shed new light on the main drivers behind this disease. Conventional wisdom tells us that sugar consumption, lack of exercise, and obesity […]

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Parkinson’s, Paraquat and Produce

Parkinson’s, Paraquat and Produce

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is deciding whether to ban paraquat, a dangerous herbicide. Let’s make sure they do. Action Alert! The EPA is asking for public comment on its human health and ecological risk assessment for paraquat, a dangerous herbicide that is linked with Parkinson’s Disease. We must demand that the EPA ban this […]

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