Are Prescription Drugs on Your Menu for Dinner?

Are Prescription Drugs on Your Menu for Dinner?

No, we didn’t think so. But you might get them in your dinner anyway. Action Alert! “Biosolids”—a euphemism for human waste—are being used by some farmers as cheap fertilizer, according the New York Times, but it is usually done very quietly. In most states and counties, details about where biosolids have been applied is intentionally […]

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Bioidentical Hormones Threatened

Bioidentical Hormones Threatened

Will the FDA allow massive drug companies to eliminate your access to compounded bioidentical hormones? Action Alerts! Recently, the FDA released a list of nominations to its “Demonstrably Difficult to Compound” (DDC) list. This list derives from section 503A of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. It is supposed to identify drugs that cannot safely […]

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Crony Dentistry Once Again Puts Children at Risk

Crony Dentistry Once Again Puts Children at Risk

Medical device companies appear to be trying to buy dentists, exposing children to high levels of unnecessary radiation. The New York Times ran a story a few years ago illustrating the extent to which cronyism (showing partiality to long-standing friends for mutual financial benefit, rather than following good science) determines medical care—in this instance, dental […]

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