Real, Not Phony Food Safety

Real, Not Phony Food Safety Current Issues: Food Safety Legislation Leahy’s Food Safety Accountability Act Real Supplement Safety – Please Take Action Now! Organic Standards in Danger Say No To GMO – Please Take Action Now! What is Government Doing With Our Food and Water? – Please Take Action Now! Ban Arsenic and Antibiotics In […]

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Amend the Food “Safety” Act

Amend the Food “Safety” Act ******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ******** Senate Food Safety Bill Action Alert ANH–USA has opposed the so-called Food Safety Bill as a threat to natural health and health freedom. As we reported to you in April, we have been working to improve the Senate’s version of the bill. In […]

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ANH-USA Campaigns ANH-USA is determined to advance integrative medicine and every campaign ANH-USA launches will further that goal. Our active campaigns address matters on the state, federal, and international level. We firmly believe that a multifaceted approach is the only means to efficiently and effectively protect the integrative community while making positive change within the […]

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Breaking News: Supreme Court Kicks Critical  Genetically Modified Alfalfa Issue Down The Road

Breaking News: Supreme Court Kicks Critical Genetically Modified Alfalfa Issue Down The Road

A high-profile legal battle over genetically modified crops continues. The US Supreme Court in a 7-1 decision yesterday (June 21) did not accept a lower court’s total nationwide ban on GM alfalfa. But it did agree that the seeds could be dangerous and did not allow Monsanto to proceed with selling them. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) must now complete a study examining whether the seeds will harm the environment before approving them for restricted planting, a process that could go into next year, and which could lead to more litigation.

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FDA Articles

Help Us Reform the FDA! Reform FDA Campaign Overview “FDA Roadblocks Revolution in Nutrition” by ANH-USA President Hunter Lewis “Would You Tolerate This Abuse?” by William Faloon, co-founder of Life Extension Foundation Other Articles and Information Articles and Information from The Pulse of Natural Health FDA-Approved Drug Linked to 542 Deaths and 2,367 Hemorrhages, but […]

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ANH-USA In The News

Here are just a few of the places where the Alliance for Natural Health USA is mentioned: 2013 WholeFoods Magazine – “Senator Tom Harkin, Industry Champion, to Retire in 2015.” March Nutra-Ingredients – “CRN, NPA: Exactly what problem is New York bill to regulate sports supplements trying to solve?” Mar. 20 Nutra-ingredients – “New law would enable firms […]

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Take Action and Be Heard!

Take Action and Be Heard!

Our online action center is easy to use, we have petitions and alerts set up that allow you to contact your Senators and Representatives directly and tell them that you want sustainable health and you value your right to choose. Tell the FDA: Tell the FDA to Stop Trying to Turn Food into Drugs! The FDA […]

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Position Papers

ANH-USA has position papers on the following topics: Prop 65 Medical Records Privacy P5P/Vitamin B6 What is Sustainable Healthcare? What is ‘Natural’? Genetically Engineered Foods FAQ

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