Natural Health Candidates Preferred by 70%

Natural Health Candidates Preferred by 70%

A new national survey found that 70% of Americans are more likely to support Congressional candidates who will protect access to supplements and homeopathic and other natural remedies. Action Alert The vast majority of Americans use natural remedies and are more likely to support a Congressional candidate who will protect the public’s access to dietary supplements […]

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The Supplement Threat You Didn’t Hear About

The Supplement Threat You Didn’t Hear About

At the 11th hour, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) tried to slip his anti-supplement regulation into yet another must-pass bill. He failed, but he will try to do so again this year. Action Alert! Last week, Sen. Durbin tried to attach mandatory product listing for supplements to another must-pass bill, having failed to slip it into […]

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Update: Major Supplement Victory

Update: Major Supplement Victory

…but we’re not out of the woods yet. Let’s keep up the pressure to protect access to the supplements you need to stay healthy. Action Alert! Last week, Congressional leaders reached an agreement for the reauthorization of FDA user fees—and the package does not include mandatory product listing for supplements, a regulation we’ve been writing […]

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Two Weeks to Doomsday for Supplements?

Two Weeks to Doomsday for Supplements?

An update on Sen. Durbin’s supplement attack. Action Alert! Congress is once again down to the wire on many upcoming deadlines – the federal budget and the ability for FDA to collect user fees from drug companies will both expire at the end of September. Ultimately, Congress will likely handle these deadlines with some quick […]

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Saving Lives—and Money—with Supplements

Saving Lives—and Money—with Supplements

A new report details the incredible savings, both in terms of human lives and economic costs, from embracing commonsense preventative medicine with supplements. Action Alert! The report, “Supplements to Savings,” was produced by the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group for the supplement industry. It is a serious attempt to quantify how much can […]

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BREAKING: New threat to your supplements

BREAKING: New threat to your supplements

Dear Friend, We’ve just gotten word that a policy proposal that will restrict supplement access could be attached to another must-pass bill. This time, it’s the bill to continue funding the government that needs to pass by the end of September. We have to fight back against this newest threat. Invest in ANH and help us […]

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Does Death of Congressman’s Wife Prove Supplements Are Unsafe?

Does Death of Congressman’s Wife Prove Supplements Are Unsafe?

The tragic death of Lori McClintock, the wife of California Republican Congressman Tom McClintock, is being used as a justification for additional supplement requirements. Here’s why these arguments are misguided. Action Alert! Almost every major news outlet jumped on the story: “Death of Congressman’s wife linked to ‘white mulberry leaf ingestion’ – coroner” reports The […]

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Will Curcumin Be Eliminated?

Will Curcumin Be Eliminated?

European countries are taking aim at curcumin supplements, showing why we should not follow in their footsteps with Sen. Dick Durbin’s disastrous, anti-supplement policy. Action Alert! Following a spate of adverse events purportedly linked to curcumin supplements, Italy has prohibited all health claims related to curcumin. This has led to concerns that European authorities are […]

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NYT’s Supplement Vendetta is Getting Old

NYT’s Supplement Vendetta is Getting Old

Frightening conclusions are being drawn from a flawed vitamin D study. Action Alert! You can almost see the smile on the reporter’s face at The New York Times who wrote the headline: “Study Finds Another Condition That Vitamin D Pills Don’t Help.” The study on which the article is based did indeed conclude that vitamin […]

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