Vitamin D for Flu and Flu Pandemics

Vitamin D for Flu and Flu Pandemics

Vitamin D for Flu and Flu Pandemics Overview About The Science Overview With hundreds of thousands of seasonal flu-related complications, more than 35,000 deaths from the flu, and countless more from the H1N1 flu expected this season, ANH-USA asks the obvious question: What are the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration […]

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Tell FDA to Ban Arsenic in Animal Feed!

Tell FDA to Ban Arsenic in Animal Feed!

The chickens you buy at the grocery store are given feed with arsenic added to make them gain weight faster. Yes, arsenic—the deadly poison and carcinogen. A petition had been filed with the FDA to remove arsenic from animal feed and the FDA had until June 15th to respond. ANH-USA forwarded the thousands of comments our readers submitted in support of the arsenic ban to the FDA. Thank you all for taking action!

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Healthcare Reform Doomed

Many Americans have come to realize that vested interests and career politicians have created a ruling class in this country: that is, a group of legislators who believe they’re exempt from laws that apply to the rest of the nation — laws those same legislators enacted. Meanwhile, career politicos focus only on reelection. A chilling […]

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Would You Tolerate This Abuse?

Help Us Reform the FDA! Reform FDA Campaign Overview “FDA Roadblocks Revolution in Nutrition” by ANH-USA President Hunter Lewis “Would You Tolerate This Abuse?” by William Faloon, co-founder of Life Extension Foundation Other Articles and Information Would You Tolerate This Abuse? by William Faloon, CEO, Life Extension Foundation Americans needlessly die while scientific discoveries that […]

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Take Action and Be Heard!

Take Action and Be Heard!

Our online action center is easy to use, we have petitions and alerts set up that allow you to contact your Senators and Representatives directly and tell them that you want sustainable health and you value your right to choose. Tell the FDA: Tell the FDA to Stop Trying to Turn Food into Drugs! The FDA […]

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Re-importing US Drugs from Foreign Countries a Good Idea, Says Obama’s Healthcare Reform Team

Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) has introduced the Pharmaceutical Market Access and Drug Safety Act, S.525, and twenty-four other senators have already become co-signers. A similar House bill has also been introduced. Both bills allow for the re-importation of cheaper prescription drugs from Canada and other countries. American drug manufacturers sell medicines to foreign countries for […]

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Under the Influence — Doctors and Prescription Drug Firms

Today’s news, both political and financial, is filled with tales of greed and corruption. Vested interests ensure that earmarks litter important legislation. The lust for a quick profit and lax regulation have led to bank closures. Wall Street and Capitol Hill are now awash in finger-pointing by consumers whose investments are worth a fraction of […]

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